Bloomsday 2015!

2 thoughts on “Bloomsday 2015!”

  1. Another “Joyce” was born on Bloomsday, and Joyce Carol Oates is a great admirer of Ulysses. See her essay “Jocoserious Joyce” :

    “Ulysses is certainly the greatest novel in the English language, and one might argue for its being the greatest single work of art in our tradition. How significant, then, and how teasing, that this masterwork should be a comedy and that its creator should have explicitly valued the comic “vision” over the tragic—how disturbing to our predilection for order that, with an homage paid to classical antiquity so meticulous that it is surely a burlesque, Joyce’s exhibitionististicicity is never so serious as when it is most outrageously comic. Joyce might have been addressing his readers when he wrote to Nora in 1909: ‘Now … I want you to read over and over all I have written to you. Some of it is ugly, obscene, and bestial, some of it is pure and holy and spiritual: all of it is myself.'”

    Full essay:

    1. “exhibitionististicicity” — what a word! Great JCO essay all around! Thanks for sharing, Randy!

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