The database list at Gleeson Library has a new look! Find it from the home page:
Search > Databases and on the Databases page, click “A to Z List of Databases.” Here you will see the treasure trove of electronic resources.

Search by subject
Discover a subject-specific database beyond your old favorites.

Search by type
Looking for a particular kind of content? Narrow in on specific types of research studies, data, and other resources.

Search for a keyword
Do you remember part of a title or something about a database’s contents? Use the search box.

** Perhaps you can’t remember what it’s called but you know who publishes it. Give the Vendor menu a try.
The A to Z list augments the research guides created by librarians to assist you in finding resources on your subject. You’ll see the research guides getting spruced up as well over the next few months. Check them out from the home page:
Guides & Tools > Research Guides.
We welcome suggestions via our Email the Reference Department form.
Image: Pasta Alphabet by Sandy
I didn’t realize I was craving the new look until now.