The Gleeson Library has a new, small (but growing!) collection of zines. What are zines? Zines are self published magazines. They are a great means of self expression for artists, writers, and anyone passionate about a topic. Zines are created in a variety of ways with drawings, comics, collage, hand written, or typed text. They are typically produced with a limited number of copies and are often just run off on a photocopier. Because they are self published they can make a space for marginalized voices to be heard. Common themes include art, poetry, comics, short stories, memoir, cultural criticism, politics, and social commentary.

The new Gleeson Zine Library is located on the second floor in the big reading room near the front of the Library. We have zines on a variety of topics with some emphasis on social justice and critical theory. Anyone in the USF community can check out the zines for 30 days, and they can be renewed up to 3 times.

We are planning a few workshops on zine making and are looking for ways to partner with USF classes and groups. Keep a lookout here for upcoming events! We encourage submissions by members of the USF community.
More information at the Gleeson Zine Library Guide
Great post Matt! Looking forward to seeing these circulate and perusing through them myself in the process.