The Gleeson Library held its semesterly zine workshop on the evening of October 3. This time around, we partnered with Thacher Gallery whose exhibition at the time – Studio Misión: The Artist Studio as Medium by René Yañez – showcased the artist’s sketchbooks, collage, and communal approach to art. These themes tied in very nicely with the aesthetic and community aspects of zine making, so we set up the workshop in the gallery’s main hallway.

And it was a great turnout! We had around 45 people attend throughout the evening, showing up in waves which was perfect. Folks from an MFA in Writing class stopped by, and several people from the USFCA Prism student group made zines. It was also great to see some familiar faces from previous zine workshops. We even had some folks express interest in possibly creating a zine club on campus.
Attendees were free to create whatever kind of zine they wanted and by the end of the night we had a handful of donations. We also had a number of folks create and submit a page for our collaborative zine, Fog Catcher. Participants were asked that their contributions be inspired by the art of René Yañez, the artist whose work was on display in Thacher Gallery. We have compiled this edition of Fog Catcher (Issue #2, Fall 2019) and free copies are available at the Gleeson Zine Library!

The Gleeson Zine Library is on the second floor of Gleeson Library and is accessible by elevator and stairs. More information about the collection can be found at