Adjust to staying home and staying safe with recently added resources from O’Reilly for Higher Education. Below are a small selection of the 1609 new titles added this month. All O’Reilly titles have unlimited access. Keep connected and effective while working remotely:

- Working Effectively From Home – Beginner (video, 2020 release)
- Collaborate: The Art of We
- Education for a Digital World
- Take Control of Working from Home Temporarily (new in 2020)
- The Coaching Connection: A Manager’s Guide to Developing Individual Potential in the Context of the Organization
- The Communication Habit: Strategies That Set You Apart and Leave a Lasting Impression (new in 2020)
Keep calm and centered at home:
- 20 Ways to Draw a Tree and 44 Other Nifty Things from Nature
- How to Win Any Argument
- Put Your Money Where Your Life Is (new in 2020)
- The Little Book of Home Remedies: Aches and Ailments
- The Little Book of Home Remedies: Beauty and Health
- The Little Book of Home Remedies: Mind and Body
Time on your hands? How about building your data skills?
- The Data Catalog (new in 2020)
- The Data Visualization Workshop – Second Edition (new in 2020)
- The Applied SQL Data Analytics Workshop – Second Edition (new in 2020)
- SQL Cookbook, 2nd Edition (early release for 2020!)
- Python Automation: Automate Mundane Tasks with Python (video, 2020 release)
- Python Basics (video, 2020 release)
- R and MATLAB
- R Programming for Bioinformatics
Just need to keep your hands busy? Build!