We are excited to announce another Gleeson Library virtual Student Social Justice Exhibit! You can explore the exhibit from your own home. The objects in this display were created by students in Refugees: Justice and Ethics (a Swig Program in Jewish Studies and Social Justice course taught by Prof. Noa Bar-Gabai in Spring 2020). Many, many thanks to these students for sharing their work with the USF community. The exhibit also includes a collection of ebooks, handpicked from Gleeson Library’s virtual stacks. We hope this exhibit challenges and inspires you.

Gleeson Library cordially invites USF students to create library displays on social justice issues near and dear to you. You come up with the idea and design your own signage and artwork. The library will supply the space (physical or virtual) and the books. Sound intriguing? We’d love to hear from you. Please email us at reference@usfca.libanswers.com to collaborate on a student social justice exhibit.