If you’re looking for ideas about how to support our Asian American and Pacific Islander friends, families, colleagues and neighbors at this time of horrific, increasing anti-Asian and Asian American hatred and violence, see the list below.
USF sociology professor Hwaji Shin has compiled a collection of resources that we are sharing in hopes readers will be moved to learn more, to take action to combat hate, and to raise awareness about anti-Asian and Asian American racism and violence.

Hollaback! Bystander Intervention Trainings for APIDA and in responding to anti-Asian xenophobia. Also see https://advancingjustice-aajc.org/press-release/advancing-justice-aajc-and-hollaback-provide-training-amid-covid-19-racist-attacks
Report by Stop AAPI Hate on hate incidents in the United States during 2020-21
Readings on the history of anti-Asian racism and how to be an anti-racist ally, compiled by Jennifer Ho (University of Colorado Boulder)
Antiracist Toolkit, focused on the action areas of educating and assessing ourselves; examining and revising our work; and enacting change. Created by the Department of Asian Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Coronavirus and Racism: Asian-Americans in the Crossfire,” July 2020 episode of Asia Matters podcast featuring AAS President Christine R. Yano (University of Hawaii at Manoa) and Jennifer Pan (Stanford University)
Christine R. Yano, “Racing the Pandemic: Anti-Asian Racism amid COVID-19,” from The Pandemic: Perspectives on Asia, edited by Vinayak Chaturvedi and published by the AAS Asia Shorts book series
“Black and Asian American Feminist Solidarities: A Reading List,” created by Black Women Radicals
AAPI Community Fund: grants will benefit a number of AAPI grassroots organizations (including these) that are committed to fighting racial injustice and inequality. https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-aapi-community-fund?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=m_pd+share-sheet
Asia Pacific Fund COVID 19 Recovery Fund https://asianpacificfund.org/make-an-impact/covid19-recovery-fund/
#HATEISAVIRUS: an initiative and community raising awareness on anti-Asian racism and supporting Asian-owned businesses. https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/community-action-fund
Korean American Community Foundation: financially and organizationally supports nonprofits serving the Korean-American community and beyond. https://app.etapestry.com/hosted/KoreanAmericanCommunityFoun/OnlineDonation.html
Save Our Chinatowns (Bay area) https://www.saveourchinatowns.org/
SEARAC: a civil rights organization empowering Cambodian, Laotian, and Vietnamese American communities. https://searac.networkforgood.com/projects/11801-your-support-builds-our-community-s-refugee-resilience
Send Chinatown Love (NYC) https://www.sendchinatownlove.com/ways-to-donate.html
Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund: a national organization focused on Sikh American media, policy, and education. https://saldef.org/donate
South Asian Americans Leading Together: a national movement and advocacy group focused on “transforming institutions while leveraging incremental change as a means to shift conditions and power.” https://saalt.salsalabs.org/SAALTEOYForm1/index.html
SUPPORT APPI Women/LGBTQ/Low-income Families/Immigrants & Refugees:
AAPI Women Lead: it supports AAPI women and girls with workshops and and research, and promotes movements such as #ImReady, which addresses issues like gender-based and racial discrimination and sexual harassment in the community. https://donorbox.org/aapi-women-lead
Asian American Feminist Collective: an intersectional feminist group that focuses on exploring identity, building community, political education, and advocacy. https://www.asianamfeminism.org/about
Asian Immigrant Women Advocates: a nonprofit focusing on immigrant youth and workers in low-wage industries in the Bay Area. https://www.aiwa.org/donate/
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance: an organization of AAPI workers, many of whom are union members, advancing labor, immigrant, and civil rights. https://www.apalanet.org/donate.html
CAAAV: a pan-Asian community organization supporting low-income Asian immigrants in New York City. https://caaav.ourpowerbase.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=2
Desis Rising Up and Moving supports South Asian and Indo-Caribbean low-wage immigrant workers and families in New York City. https://drum.ourpowerbase.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=13
Jahajee Sisters: an organization led by Indo-Caribbean women focused on supporting women and girls. https://www.givegab.com/campaigns/jahajee-sisters-emergency-fund?fbclid=IwAR1uLZ3M1AQ2rHT-L5B9PWVxttkcs3zi3zfyOEHPiXcv5ah2aF3CR5tWlNQ
Monsoon Asians & Pacific Islanders in Solidarity: serves victims and survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence, and trafficking in the Asian and Pacific Islander community in Iowa. https://monsooniowa.org/donate/
National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum empowers AAPI and women and girls through reproductive health, economic justice, immigrant rights, and more. (You can also support the Atlanta chapter to uplift local efforts in the wake of the shooting.) https://www.napawf.org/donate
National Organization of Asians and Pacific Islanders Ending Sexual Violence: a program under Monsoon (above) that helps “local and international community-based programs and governmental organizations” in serving victims of sexual violence from API communities in the U.S., U.S. Territories in the Pacific, and Asia. https://napiesv.org/donate/
National Queer Asian and Pacific Islander Alliance seeks to build the organizational capacity of local LGBTQIA+ AAPI groups, develop leadership, promote visibility, educate our community, enhance grassroots organizing, expand collaborations, and challenge homophobia and racism. https://nqapia.salsalabs.org/GeneralDonation/index.html
Red Canary Song: a grassroots collective supporting labor rights for Asian migrant workers and sex workers https://www.redcanarysong.net/
South Asian Workers’ Center: a nonprofit serving mainly South Asian immigrants and workers in the Greater Boston area. http://sawcus.org/ourstory#get-involved
Sakhi for South Asian Women: represents South Asian women in the diaspora in the movement to support survivors of violence. https://www.sakhi.org/donate-now/
Womankind: it supports women who are victims or survivors of gender-based violence on their journey to healing. https://www.iamwomankind.org/donate/
Asian Law Caucus: promotes and protects civil and legal rights of Asian and Pacific Island communities. https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/1442842
Asian Prisoner Support Committee: raises awareness about arrests and deportations of AAPI people in California. https://donate.givedirect.org/?cid=13982
Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta: a nonprofit legal advocacy group protecting the rights of Asian-Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders in Georgia and the Southeast. https://www.advancingjustice-atlanta.org/donate
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund: a national organization, founded in 1974, working to protect and promote civil rights for Asian-Americans. https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/WebLink.aspx?name=E102192&id=1
Asian American Advocacy Fund: a grassroots organization “dedicated to building a politically-conscious, engaged, and progressive Asian American base in Georgia.” https://www.asianamericanadvocacyfund.org/take-action
Asian Pacific Environmental Network: supports environmental justice for working-class Asian immigrant and refugee communities. https://donate.apen4ej.org/give/165939/#!/donation/checkout
Asian Mental Health Collective: a community for Asian mental health support. https://www.asianmhc.org/about-us/#support-us
National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association: The mission of the National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association is to promote the mental health and well-being of the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. NAAPIMHA works to accomplish its goals of preventing suicide among youth, empowering mental health consumers, and pushing for access to high quality affordable mental health services for all by advocating for policy change, working with community-based organizations, training service providers, and developing developing mental health fact sheets in various languages. https://www.naapimha.org/
Asian American Arts Alliance: This nonprofit is dedicated to ensuring greater representation, equity, and opportunities for Asian American artists and cultural organizations through resource sharing, promotion, and community building since 1983. The group comprises a diverse alliance of artists, organizations, and arts supporters who believe that working together as a pan-ethnic, multidisciplinary community is essential to nurturing the development of artists and arts groups. https://www.aaartsalliance.org/
Asian American Performers Action Coalition In 2011, a group of performers posed this question: “Where are all the Asian actors in mainstream New York theatre?” From there, AAPAC took on the responsibilities of organizing forums for the artistic community to discuss minority representation in New York theatre. Within a year, the group was working with theatres around the country to bring greater visibility to the lack of representation. Their most recent report explores the 2017–2018 season but the group has continued to do work with the Ghostlight Project during the pandemic. http://www.aapacnyc.org/
I still believe NYC initiative: https://www.istillbelieve.nyc/shop
Other ways to support Asian Artists and Performers: https://www.playbill.com/article/stop-aapi-hate-a-resource-guide-to-support-the-asian-american-community