From ancient history to modern science, highlights from our most recent purchase of Wiley titles…

- A companion to ancient Near Eastern languages edited by Rebecca Hasselbach-Andee
- A companion to late ancient Jews and Judaism: third century BCE to 7th century CE edited by Naomi Koltun-Fromm and Gwynn Kessler
- Sustainability: fundamentals and applications
- Green energy to sustainability: strategies for global industries edited by Alain A. Vertès, Nasib Qureshi, Hans P. Blaschek, Hideaki Yukawa
- Wiley Blackwell companion to wisdom literature edited by Samuel L. Adams and Matthew J. Goff
- Prepare and protect: safer behaviors in laboratories and clinical containment settings by Sean G. Kaufman, Safer Behaviors
- Machine learning: hands-on for developers and technical professionals by Jason Bell
- Electron transfer: mechanisms and applications by Shunichi Fukuzumi
- The Wiley handbook of healthcare treatment engagement: theory, research, and clinical practice edited by Andrew Hadler, Stephen Sutton, and Lars Osterberg
- Discovering odors by Gérard Brand
- Handbook of sport psychology edited by Robert Singer, Heather Hausenblas, Christopher Janelle
- Fundamentals of numerical mathematics for physicists and engineers by Alvaro Meseguer
- Early stage valuation: a fair value perspective edited by Antonella Puca
- Topographical and pathotopographical medical atlas of the human body by Z.M. Seagal
- Migration and climate change: from prehistoric cultures to contemporary management in organizations by Jamila Alaktif and Stéphane Callens
- Nietzsche’s Dawn: philosophy, ethics, and the passion for knowledge by Keith Ansell-Pearson and Rebecca Bamford
- Clinical military counseling: guidelines for practice by Mark A. Stebnicki
- A companion to the Russian Revolution edited by Daniel Orlovsky
- The Wiley Blackwell companion to race, ethnicity, and nationalism edited by John Stone, Rutledge Dennis, Polly Rizova, and Xiaoshuo Hou
- Mathematics for enzyme reaction kinetics and reactor performance. Volume 1 by F. Xavier Malcata
- A clinician’s guide to CBT for children to young adults: a companion to think good, feel good and thinking good, feeling better by Paul Stallard
- Science fiction and innovation design edited by Thomas Michaud
- The Wiley handbook of gender equity in American higher education edited by Nancy S. Niemi and Marcus B. Weaver‐Hightower
- Quantum chemistry and dynamics of excited states: methods and applications by Leticia González, Roland Lindh
- Data science: the executive summary; a technical book for non-technical professionals by Field Cady
- Functional metal-organic frameworks: structure, properties and applications by Ali Morsali and Sayed Ali Akbar Razavi
- Discipline of nursing: three-time knowledge by Michel Nadot
- The intercultural Exeter couples model: making connections for a divided world through systemic-behavioral therapy by Janet Reibstein, Reenee Singh
- Introduction to corpus linguistics by Sandrine Zufferey
See all the 2021 titles in the catalog.
Each year, Gleeson Library purchases a collection of ebooks from Wiley, through our membership in the SCELC electronic resources consortium. All titles are available with unlimited access. For technical assistance in reading eBooks, read our guide Using Ebooks.