Recent ebooks at Gleeson Library:

- Studio thinking 2: the real benefits of visual arts education by Lois Hetland, Ellen Winner, Shirley Veenema, and Kimberly M. Sheridan (1 user)
- Between norteño and Tejano conjunto: music, tradition, and culture at the U.S.-Mexico border by Luis Díaz-Santana Garza (1 user)
- Viruses: more friends than foes by Karen Moelling (1 user)
- Mixed martial arts: a history from ancient fighting sports to the UFC by L.A. Jennings (1 user)
- The professor’s role in Jesuit universities today by Rafael Velasco (unlimited users)
- The Latin American art song: sounds of the imagined nations by Patricia Caicedo (1 user)
- African American literature of the twenty-first century and the Black Arts: the case of John Edgar Wideman by Stephen Casmier (1 user)
- The totalitarian legacy of the Bolshevik Revolution by Alexander Riley (1 user)
- Doctoring the Black Death: Medieval Europe’s medical response to plague by John Aberth (1 user)
- Of thee I sing: the contested history of American patriotism by Ben Railton (1 user)
- Medicinal plants of India by Preeti Dhar and Durga Nath Dhar (1 user)
- The genetic lottery: why DNA matters for social equality by Kathryn Paige Harden (1 user)
- Let’s be reasonable: a conservative case for liberal education by Jonathan Marks (1 user)
- Heavy metal music in Latin America: perspectives from the distorted south by Nelson Varas-Díaz, Daniel Nevárez Araújo, and Eliut Rivera-Segarra (1 user)
- After campus sexual assault: a guide for parents by Susan B. Sorenson (1 user)
- Indigenous activism: profiles of native women in contemporary America edited by Clifford E. Trafzer, Donna L. Akers, and Amanda K. Wixon (1 user)
- Progressive anonymity: from identity politics to evidence-based government by Naomi Zack (1 user)
- Women writing the American artist in novels of development from 1850-1932: the artist embodied by Rickie-Ann Legleitner (1 user)
- Women in Ming China and Women in Song and Yuan China by Bret Hinsch (1 user)
- From factory girls to K-pop idol girls: cultural politics of developmentalism, patriarchy, and neoliberalism in South Korea’s popular music industry by Gooyong Kim (1 user)
- Sparring with Smokin’ Joe: Joe Frazier’s epic battles and rivalry with Ali by Glenn Lewis (1 user)
- Advances in water desalination technologies edited by Yoram Cohen (1 user)
- Complaint! by Sara Ahmed (1 user)
- God’s diplomats: Pope Francis, Vatican diplomacy, and America’s Armageddon by Victor Gaetan (1 user)
- Pollution is colonialism by Max Liboiron (unlimited users)
- Minoritized women reading race and ethnicity: intersectional approaches to constructed identity and early Christian texts edited by Jin Young Choi and Mitzi J. Smith (1 user)
- A hunter-gatherer’s guide to the 21st century: evolution and the challenges of modern life by Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein (1 user)
- Black women shattering stereotypes: a streaming revolution by Kay Siebler (1 user)
- Digital storytelling in Indigenous education: a decolonizing journey for a Métis community by Yvonne Poitras Pratt (unlimited users)
- InsUrgent media from the front: a media activism reader edited by Chris Robé and Stephen Charbonneau (unlimited users)
- The art of access: a practical guide for museum accessibility by Heather Pressman and Danielle Schulz (1 user)
- The paradoxes of network neutralities by Russell Newman (unlimited users)
- The evolution of popular communication in Latin America by Ana Cristina Suzina, editor (unlimited users)
- Working while Black: essays on television portrayals of African American professionalism edited by LaToya T. Brackett (multiple users)
- Alphabet: the becoming of Google by Micky Lee (unlimited users)
- Black-native autobiographical acts: navigating the minefields of authenticity by Sarita Cannon (1 user)
- Creator culture: an introduction to global social media entertainment edited by Stuart Cunningham and David Craig (unlimited users)
- Critical race studies across disciplines: resisting racism through scholactivism edited by Jonathan Chism, Stacie Craft DeFreitas, Vida Robertson, and David Ryden (1 user)
- Korean wild geese families: gender, family, social, and legal dynamics of middle-class Asian transnational families in North America by Se Hwa Lee (1 user)
- Foundations of critical theory: media, communication and society, volume two by Christian Fuchs (unlimited users)
- Performing media activism in the digital age by Neil Alperstein (multiple users)
- Media and journalism professionals: a practical career guide by Tracy Brown Hamilton (unlimited users)
- Black millennials: identity, ambition, and activism by edited by Jacquelin Darby (1 user)
- Collective care: Indigenous motherhood, family, and HIV/AIDS by Pamela J. Downe (1 user)
- Technology-enhanced learning for a free, safe, and sustainable world 16th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2021 (1 user)
- Clinical cases in skin of color: medical, oncological and hair disorders, and cosmetic dermatology edited by Porcia B. Love and Roopal V. Kundu (unlimited users)
- The craft of criticism: critical media studies in practice edited by Mary Celeste Kearney and Michael Kackman (unlimited users)
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