Today on 2/22/22 let’s talk about TWO ways to get the most recent news: print and online.
Gleeson Library has recent daily newspapers and weekly news magazines in print in the Second Floor study area. Relax at a table or on a sofa and get caught up.

The latest news from a specific region or on a specific topic is always available in the database Access World News (USF login required). For example, articles about the Ukraine-Russia conflict include ones from today’s newspapers. To read news from the Ukrainian perspective, the home page enables you to narrow sources to Europe > Ukraine > Ukrainian News Agency.
On the same platform, Gleeson Library has access to the San Francisco Chronicle (USF login required), both current and historic. Today’s headlines include “New S.F. tower embraces next era of work” and “After years of delays, Van Ness line to open April 1.”
To see all news databases, on the Gleeson home page, select Search > Databases > Type = Newspapers – Current.