Gale eBooks are academic reference works that offer fundamental, citable articles that will answer questions and spur further research. Updated editions cover biographies, business, health, law, and higher education.

- American decades: 2010-2019 edited by Eric Bargeron and Hollis Beach.
- American men & women of science: a biographical directory of today’s leaders in physical, biological, and related sciences, 39th edition, Andrea Kovacs Henderson, project editor.
- Encyclopedia of American industries, 7th edition, written and edited by Drew D. Johnson, Paul Greenland, and Danielle Knupp
- Encyclopedia of business and finance, 4th edition
- Gale encyclopedia of American law, 4th edition edited by Michael J. Tyrkus and Carol A. Schwartz
- Scholarships, fellowships, and loans: a guide to education-related financial aid programs for students and professionals, 39th edition, edited by Anthony Boussie
- The college blue book, 2022 edition, edited by Anthony Boussie,
- The Gale encyclopedia of alternative medicine, 5th edition, by Deirdre Hiam
- The Gale encyclopedia of cancer: a guide to cancer and its treatments, 5th edition, edited by Deirdre S. Hiam
- The Gale encyclopedia of children’s health, 4th edition, edited by Jacqueline L. Longe
- The Gale encyclopedia of genetic disorders, 5th edition, edited by Brigham Narins
- The Gale encyclopedia of psychology, 4th edition, edited by Jacqueline L. Longe
- The Gale encyclopedia of science, 6th edition, edited by Katherine H. Nemeh and Jacqueline L. Longe
- The Gale encyclopedia of senior health: a guide for seniors and their caregivers, 3rd edition, edited by Brigham Narins
- Who’s who among African Americans, 37th edition, edited by Tara E. Atterberry
- The Gale encyclopedia of medicine, 6th edition, edited by Jacqueline L. Longe
- The Gale encyclopedia of public health, 2nd edition, edited by Brigham Narins
- The Gale encyclopedia of surgery and medical tests, 4th edition, edited by Deirdre S. Hiam
Gale eBooks offer unlimited simultaneous access and allow you to download content for your personal, internal research and educational purposes only.