Gleeson selectors and faculty requests have added titles on philosophy, religion, (a)sexuality, new fiction (and old) and more…

- Benito Cereno by Herman Melville (multiple copies)
- Ace: what asexuality reveals about desire, society, and the meaning of sex by Angela Chen (1 user)
- Aristotle on sexual difference: metaphysics, biology, politics by Marguerite Deslauriers (1 user)
- My Body Is a Book of Rules by Elissa Washuta (unlimited users)
- Conflict and resolution: the ethics of forgiveness, revenge, and punishment edited by Paula Satne, Krisanna M. Scheiter (1 user)
- Odera Oruka and the right to a human minimum: an African philosopher’s defense of human dignity and environment by Michael Kamau Mburu (1 user)
- Cataloguing culture: legacies of colonialism in museum documentation by Hannah Turner (1 user)
- Transfer and religion: interactions between Judaism, Christianity and Islam from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century by edited by Alexander A. Dubrau, Davide Scotto, and Ruggero Vimercati Sanseverino (1 user)
- Revenge of the scapegoat by Caren Beilin (1 user)
- A primer for teaching digital history: ten design principles by Jennifer Guiliano (1 user)
- Hermann Cohen: writings on neo-Kantianism and Jewish philosophy by edited by Samuel Moyn and Robert S. Schine (1 user)
- Weaving an otherwise: in-relations methodological practice edited by Amanda Tachine and Z. Nicolazzo (unlimited users)
- Five proofs of the existence of God by Edward Feser (1 user)
- Change Starts with Me: Talking about Race in the Elementary Classroom by Madeleine Rogin (unlimited users)
- Tactics of hope in Latinx children’s and young adult literature by Jesus Montaño and Regan Postma-Montaño (unlimited users)
- Queering Mesoamerican diasporas: remembering Xicana indígena ancestries by Susy J. Zepeda (unlimited users)
- Mythological constructs of Mexican femininity by Pilar Melero (unlimited users)
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