Gleeson selectors and faculty requests have added ebooks on research methods, identity and acceptance, and more. We also have the latest editions of Business Rankings Annual and Market Share Reporter.

Critical approaches toward a cosmopolitan education edited by Sandra R. Schecter and Carl E. James (unlimited users)
The student survival guide for research methods in psychology by Ross A. Seligman and Lindsay A. Mitchell (unlimited users)
Myths of trauma: why adversity does not necessarily make us sick by Joel Paris (1 user)
Microbial services in restoration ecology edited by Jay Shankar Singh and Shobhit Raj Vimal(1 user)
The melanin millennium: skin color as 21st century international discourse edited by Ronald E. Hall (1 user)
Black disability politics by Sami Schalk (1 user)
Decolonizing data: unsettling conversations about social research methods by Jacqueline M. Quinless (1 user)
Social justice research methods for doctoral research by Robin Throne (unlimited users)
Iconoclasm, identity politics and the erasure of history by Alexander Adams (1 user)
Fat tactics: the rhetoric and structure of the fat acceptance movement by Erec Smith (1 user)
Black trans feminism by Marquis Bey (1 user)
Anarcho-blackness: notes toward a Black anarchism by Marquis Bey (1 user)
Justice alternatives edited by Pat Carlen and Leandro Ayres França (1 user)
Check out the 2023 Business Rankings Annual (unlimited users) for statistics such as Africa’s Most Valuable Brands, 2021; Top Vendors of Dog Biscuits, Treats, and Beverages, 2020; and Largest Woman-Owned Businesses in the Sacramento Area, 2020. [What is a dog beverage?]
The latest Market Share Reporter, 33rd edition, (unlimited users) has similar information like Agricultural Land in Oceania by Use, 2000 and 2019; Most-Streamed Original Television Series, 2021; and Podcast Advertising Revenue by Category, 2020.
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