Three Cups of Tea: USF Book Club

3 thoughts on “Three Cups of Tea: USF Book Club”

  1. Can I ask why the book club is for faculty and staff only? It seems like allowing students to be involved would be a great opportunity for more intellectual interaction. Just my two cents…

  2. Good question, Laura.

    The reason has to do with the origin and sponsorship of the book club. It originated with, and is co-sponsored by the University’s Well-Life program, part of the Office of Human Resources. The Well-Life program provides faculty and staff health and wellness services. In response to staff requests, Well-Life staff decided to offer a book club and asked the Library to co-sponsor it, and we agreed.

    Perhaps the book club “regulars” will want to discuss this question at a future meeting.

  3. Fair enough — that makes sense. It would be very cool to have it opened up, but I understand if that’s not possible.

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