Fight Fake News

2 thoughts on “Fight Fake News”

  1. This was a great post with manageable tips for improving information literacy. I thought the NPR article was especially interesting because I think people do believe that teens who are immersed in social media would be better at determining fake news from real news, so it was interesting to see the opposite! In my capstone class the professor made us use Stanford’s information literacy questions to determine a good web source from a bad one before we began our senior paper. This exercise was helpful because it made students actively look at domain names, About Us sections, and click on the hyperlink citations provided rather than just take them as fact. Important stuff!

  2. I, like many other students, have fallen victim to the temptation of clicking on a link with a ‘clickbait’ title that leads to a fake news site. This article and the resources provided at the bottom offer great tips for everyone to help avoid false information. The problem mentioned in the Pacific Standard article of Facebook’s algorithms being a big problem in terms of providing users with fake news is one that, from a computer science viewpoint, extremely challenging to overcome. As long as the fake news sites are allowed on Facebook and in the algorithms that calculate what a person wants to read based on his or her browsing history, the algorithms can’t help but pull up the fake news sites. I absolutely agree with the author of the Pacific Standard article that Facebook needs to get rid of any fake news website links. However, I can also see that from Facebook’s economic viewpoint, it would negatively impact the income generated from allowing these websites to advertise themselves and their articles on Facebook.

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