Here at Gleeson Library we have a wealth of resources that are readily available in our Digital Collections. Our Digital Collections include materials from our own community including many academic works from our students and faculty. Thanks to the great work of two past Gleeson Library Librarians, Vicki Rosen and Jessica Lu, Practicing Ignatian Pedagogy is a wonderful digital collection that provides a vast array of resources that highlight important Jesuit values for faculty and staff to internalize in all of their work. This is a space where faculty can access ideas on how best to implement Jesuit values into the core of their position. As the start of the Spring semester rolls in, faculty can utilize this collection as a framework and can apply the context of these Ignatian values that are at the core of USF’s mission to their everyday practices.
The Ignatian Colleagues Program Repository (ICP) is another great space that highlights resources for faculty who are looking for professional development in embodying the Jesuit values and traditions of our campus. The ICP is a program that formed under the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) in which they strive in “exploring the intersections between Jesuit catholic identity, Ignatian spirituality and the complex issues we face as a community around diversity, equity and inclusion.” This repository of information supports the research and interest of USF faculty who are looking to further their knowledge and take advantage of opportunities incorporating the Jesuit mission of USF.