This blog post was written by Reference Student Assistant Danni McCorkle.
As new movies hit the screen and upcoming novels are printing for the masses, the need for in-depth details about these modes of entertainment is demanded by the public. From which the job of the critic is born. However, not all critics are written equally.
For example, when comparing the reviews of books to those of movies it becomes exceptional clear which of the two holds a more attention grabbing and detailed overview. Using websites such as Rotten Tomatoes and The New Yorker Recommends it became all too clear that book critics spend more time compared to the critics of movies. So I have taken it upon myself to write two reviews, one for a movie and the other for a book, to which each is written with as much vigor as the last.
The Grand Design written by Stephan Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
Stop for a second and consider the universe in its entirety. Consider its vast space and the dark matter that lies in between each planet. Or maybe the flexibility of the cosmos and how each living creature has its own reality which differs from the ones of others. Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow answer all universal questions with principles, formulas and a sense of humor. The structure of this book allows for an easy and in-depth understanding of the “whys” and “hows” of the universe with a paradox of small and straightforward explanations, without shying away from the use of comic strip illustrations to further implement the insanely sophisticated simplicities of the universe as a whole. From Feynman and his atom collisions, to wolves controlling eclipses, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow will have any reader feeling more like a physicist after reading this impressionable book.
Memoir of a Murderer story by Kim Young Ha, directed by Won Shin-Yun
If you thought the ending of Inception was mind boggling then prepare to have your mind numbed completely. This deeply profound and jaw dropping movie will have you so connected with the main character that you will begin to feel what it’s like to have dementia. As Byeong-Soo’s [actor Sol Kyung-Gu] memories are being melted away by his ever evaporating mind due to Alzheimer’s, his past life begins to resurface and not all of it is roses and rainbows. Without any hesitation Byeong-Soo finds himself in a deadly battle between love, memories, and the dire need to protect both. Together director Won Shin-Yun and actor Sol Kyung-Gu are able to effortlessly hold any audience captive and leave them questioning whether it’s better to remember or easier to forget. It’s also a chilling reminder that no matter how much time we spend with someone, we will never know what lies underneath.