Who’s the next mayor of Gleeson Library?

2 thoughts on “Who’s the next mayor of Gleeson Library?”

  1. It seems like all the new stuff at the library is geared toward people who have time and money for the latest toys and games. What is the library doing for people who don’t have smart phones and/or we use technology for tools not games or gimmicks? There are a whole lot of us.

    1. While foursquare certainly has game elements, it’s basically a social networking tool based on location — so to “play” you do need to use a mobile device.

      We’re very interested in being part of online social networking because so many of our patrons use these services. With some services we’re playing catch up: Facebook, for example; with foursquare we’re trying to lead the way; and with all of these new things, we want to see what our patrons will find useful.

      So what are we doing for our patrons who don’t have smart phones, or who use technology as a tool? Well, I think our library home page today gives a fair answer to that question. Here’s what we’re currently promoting:

      (1) We’re promoting foursquare–which requires a mobile device. If you don’t have a mobile device, note that we’re also promoting (2) the Kindle which you can borrow. Of course the Kindle can’t play foursquare, but the iPad can, and we will soon let you borrow iPads as well. (3) We’re highlighting our print collection with a reference book of the week. (4) We always promote “Ask a Librarian” which shows you nearly every way of getting library help including 24/7 access to research assistance. (5) Our main promotion is our digital collections featuring USF yearbooks online which used to be library use only. (6) And at the bottom of the page I think we answer your question directly:

      “765,000 books (51,000 e-books), 50,000 full-text magazine, journal and newspaper titles in 250 databases.
      650 seats, 100 computers, 7 study rooms—and uncounted discoveries—all brought to you with the guidance and care of 70 creative librarians, staff, and student workers. How can we help you today?”

      While most of our funds and in-person efforts go to our traditional functions as noted above, it’s the new things that get the most promotion. Because they’re new.

      So if foursquare is not for you, that’s okay–not every service is going to be for everyone. But if you think there’s a service we ought to be providing, but are not–let us know. We’re all in this together.

      Thanks for your comment.

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