“I would like to thank, Mr. Chairman, your avatar for holding this hearing.”

One thought on ““I would like to thank, Mr. Chairman, your avatar for holding this hearing.””

  1. SecondLife is a fantastic place for meetings. For the past 3 years, I’ve been attending an Information Literacy discussion group that meets on an island owned by Sheffield University in England. There I sit in a virtual room with academic librarians from England, Ireland, Spain, Brazil, Australia, Germany, France and all over the United States, listening to them describe how InfoLit is taught at their universities.

    When I attend a video conference, I feel as though I’m alone, listening to people who are far away. On SecondLife, I feel as though I am actually sitting in the same room with all these people and holding a conversation with them. And this is all free – no travel costs, no conference registration fees. I get up, grab a cup of coffee, sit down at the computer, and I am there.

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