Library Installs LCD Information Screen

11 thoughts on “Library Installs LCD Information Screen”

  1. Hey Shawn, Thanks for this good write-up of the new LCD display in the lobby. A little note – the display just premiered the 1st of this month Feb, (although it probably feels like months to the committee), in case people are wondering.

  2. Hey Shawn, Thank you to the Public Services Council for this addition to Gleeson. When I enter the library, I personally appreciate the information screen’s posh, dynamic interface, which perfectly highlights our role as the information center of the University. Many people cannot always seek out info about our new services, or programming — not to mention our world-class collections and databases. The Gleeson Information Screen is a fantastic, modern way of introducing our patrons to our quality resources. [..and streaming University programming and national political events: a nice reinvention to information acquisition at the library!] It’s sweet bling to our already terrific (if underrated) library. Congratulations!

  3. The LCD display is a nice addition and will help us promote our support of teaching and research at USF. Nice job PSC.

  4. Although I recognize the relative merits of having a TV screen with pertinant library information so close to the circulation desk, I wonder what has happened to the beautiful artwork that once was up on that same spot on the wall. Is the piece of art hanging somewhere else in the library? I’m concerned about what this may symbolize in the University’s prioritizing of fast-and-ready technology over recognition of our Jesuit, Catholic tradition.

  5. Marybeth,

    While I can’t speak to all of your points, you should know that the library consulted with Fr. Tom Lucas S.J., a professor with the Visual Arts Department and the curator of the Thacher Gallery, on the removal of the art work.

    While I do not see this as an either or choice on the part of the library – technology or Jesuit Catholic tradition – I sincerely thank you for your candor.

    Shawn P. Calhoun, Chair, Gleeson Library Public Services Council.

  6. The Library’s primary mission is to support the teaching and research at University of San Francisco. Secondarily to this mission, is our effort to make sure that our community of scholars and students are aware of Library programs and services. The LCD helps us to do this. In this outreach, we are meeting the Jesuit Catholic tradition of service and helping to fulfill the mission of this institution: “Educating Minds and Hearts to Change the World.”

  7. Congrats on a project well implemented. The power point has to be one of the best I have seen.

    As a student, I would love to see the presidential debates on the screen, preferably with the sound. Is there some way to broadcast the sound in the room so that it can be picked up on an FM frequency? What about convincing KUSF to do a simulcast so that students can use FM headphones (checked out from the desk, perhaps?) to get the sound, and the LCD TV to get the picture?

    I have missed most of the debates this year because I live off campus and do not have cable service in my apartment. Offering CNN to students could be a very valuable service!

  8. Hi Sara,

    We had the Texas debate on the LCD – but without sound… However, we did have the closed captioning on. I’ll look into the simulcast idea and repost if I find anything promising.


  9. Dear Sirs:

    Based on your experince, which of these alternatives is better:
    – To locate the screen behind a loan counter or circulation desk.
    – To locate the screen in a room or place where the users have the possibility to have a seat, not only to watch the screen, but also to read or study.

    Thanks in advance for your response!!

    1. Hi Viena,

      I’m not sure there is a best place. Location depends on whats important to you and your customers. For the most part, we use our LCD for promoting library events etc., so a location where most folks could see the screen works for us. One idea we considered – putting the LCD on a mobile cart. That approach could give you more flexibility than a fixed location. I hope that info helps and good luck with your project!

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