Donohue Rare Book Room Reopening Celebration

Please join the Gleeson Library on September 8 as it celebrates the reopening of the Donohue Rare Book Room following a fifteen-month renovation. The University will welcome Mark Dimunation, Chief of the Rare Book and Special Collections Division at the Library of Congress, who will give an illustrated talk on “Jefferson’s Enlightenment: Reconstructing the Thomas … Continue reading Donohue Rare Book Room Reopening Celebration

Library Faculty Reading

The Gleeson Library is pleased to sponsor a faculty reading on Thursday, April 18 as it welcomes University of San Francisco Professors Kathleen Winter and Brian Dempster (Rhetoric and Language) who will read from their recent works. Kathleen Winter will read from her volume of poetry Nostalgia for the Criminal Past (Elixir Press, 2012). The … Continue reading Library Faculty Reading

Walls Exhibition

On exhibition in the Donohue Rare Book Room through October 9 is the recent acquisition Walls: A Journey Across Three Continents (Santa Cruz: Quail Press, 1990) by master printmaker, Tom Killion. Exhibited with the book is an archive, on loan from the artist, which includes original watercolors and woodcut blocks used to illustrate the book. A … Continue reading Walls Exhibition

Annick Wibben Reading

The Gleeson Library is pleased to welcome University of San Francisco Associate Professor Annick T.R. Wibben who will read from her book Feminist Security Studies: a Narrative Approach (Routledge, 2011) on Wednesday, May 2nd in the Donohue Rare Book Room. The book rethinks security theory from a feminist perspective and challenges the way we think … Continue reading Annick Wibben Reading