Featured database: Credo Reference

Credo Reference is a great resource for finding articles from hundreds of reference sources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries and factbooks. The topics covered include almost anything: art, biography, business, education, geography, history, literature, medicine, movies, music, psychology, religion, science, and world cultures…if it’s included in a reference book it’s probably in Credo Reference. You can … Continue reading Featured database: Credo Reference

Civil Rights Digital Libraries Enhance Americans’ Understanding of Important Era

The Civil Rights Digital Library (CRDL) is a comprehensive civil rights Web site and portal hosted by the University of Georgia Libraries. CRDL is a partnership among librarians, technologists, archivists, educators, scholars, academic publishers, and public broadcasters. From the CRDL/University of Georgia Web site: “The struggle for racial equality in the 1950s and 1960s is … Continue reading Civil Rights Digital Libraries Enhance Americans’ Understanding of Important Era

REMINDER: Pay Your Library Fees and Fines Online!

Library patrons can now pay library fines and fees online using Visa or MasterCard. It’s easy: 1. Go to: https://ignacio.usfca.edu/patroninfo~S0. 2. Enter your name and USF ID number to access your library record. 3. Review your fines and/or fees and click “Pay Online.” 4. Enter your credit card information and click “Submit.” 5. Verify that … Continue reading REMINDER: Pay Your Library Fees and Fines Online!

Try Cabells Online! Great resource for those who publish or want to

Hi all, Try the online version of an old standby:  Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities. You can access it here: http://www.usfca.edu/library/databases/cabells.html This resource is great for deciding where to send manuscripts for possible publication. The directories available are in the following subject areas : marketing, accounting, economics & finance, management, educational curriculum  & methods, educational … Continue reading Try Cabells Online! Great resource for those who publish or want to