Book Club: Animal Dreams by Barbara Kingsolver
The USF Book Club will meet on May 12, 2009 to discuss Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal Dreams. Continue reading Book Club: Animal Dreams by Barbara Kingsolver
The USF Book Club will meet on May 12, 2009 to discuss Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal Dreams. Continue reading Book Club: Animal Dreams by Barbara Kingsolver
The USF web site, including the Library web site, will be getting a makeover this summer. The local company creating the new design, White Whale, has started a public blog on the USF redesign, and is looking for community input. Now is your chance to wield your influence! Continue reading Redesigning the USF Web Site
Credo Reference is a great resource for finding articles from hundreds of reference sources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries and factbooks. The topics covered include almost anything: art, biography, business, education, geography, history, literature, medicine, movies, music, psychology, religion, science, and world cultures…if it’s included in a reference book it’s probably in Credo Reference. You can … Continue reading Featured database: Credo Reference
The USF Book Club is reading The Rebel Angels by Robertson Davies to be discussed April 7, 2009. Continue reading USF Book Club: The Rebel Angels by Robertson Davies
Faculty can now check out bound and unbound periodicals. In addition to bound periodicals, unbound periodicals will now circulate to faculty members only. Newspapers and current issues of magazines will not circulate. The Periodicals Unit will no longer be checking out bound or unbound periodicals. Faculty can check out their bound or unbound periodicals at … Continue reading Faculty Periodicals Borrowing
The Civil Rights Digital Library (CRDL) is a comprehensive civil rights Web site and portal hosted by the University of Georgia Libraries. CRDL is a partnership among librarians, technologists, archivists, educators, scholars, academic publishers, and public broadcasters. From the CRDL/University of Georgia Web site: “The struggle for racial equality in the 1950s and 1960s is … Continue reading Civil Rights Digital Libraries Enhance Americans’ Understanding of Important Era
Participants needed! USF Gleeson Library | Geschke Center is holding focus groups* about noise in the library. *A controlled group interview of a target audience, led by a facilitator. A set series of questions or topics are covered, and the results are used to guide improvements in services. The meetings will take place in the … Continue reading Noise in the Library: Tell us what you think
Today marks the 200th birthday of Abraham Lincoln. Interestingly a student at Miami University in Ohio recently discovered a rather rare example of Lincoln’s fingerprint on a letter housed in Miami’s library. Thinking about Lincoln’s hands sent me looking for a picture of them from the Lincoln Memorial statue. It turns out there are casts … Continue reading President Lincoln’s fingerprint
Library patrons can now pay library fines and fees online using Visa or MasterCard. It’s easy: 1. Go to: 2. Enter your name and USF ID number to access your library record. 3. Review your fines and/or fees and click “Pay Online.” 4. Enter your credit card information and click “Submit.” 5. Verify that … Continue reading REMINDER: Pay Your Library Fees and Fines Online!
Hi all, Try the online version of an old standby: Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities. You can access it here: This resource is great for deciding where to send manuscripts for possible publication. The directories available are in the following subject areas : marketing, accounting, economics & finance, management, educational curriculum & methods, educational … Continue reading Try Cabells Online! Great resource for those who publish or want to