Gleeson has Nooks!

In addition to our iPads and Kindle, Gleeson now has two Nook Color e-readers that can be checked out.  Uploaded on our Nooks, you’ll find a wide selection of books — all ready to dive right into! Nook loans are for one week. Visit the Access Services desk at Gleeson to borrow one today! Diving board image from Continue reading Gleeson has Nooks!

Gleeson Library on the Lawn

[slideshow] Once again the Gleeson Library joined the USF Farmstand on the lawn outside Library.  We offered books and DVD’s about organic gardening, real food, and healthy cooking all for check out on the spot. This was USF’s Farmstands first International Farmstand offering different delectable dishes from around the world. The event also coincided with USF’s … Continue reading Gleeson Library on the Lawn

Gleeson Library, Cable Car[t] Wins 1st Prize!

I left my ‘cart’ in San Francisco The “I left my ‘cart’ in San Francisco” Cable Car[t] created by the Student assistants (with a little help from their staff friends) in the Access Services Department of Gleeson Library won 1st prize in the 2010 “Unshelved: Pimp my Bookcart” contest. The Judges commented:  “This year’s first … Continue reading Gleeson Library, Cable Car[t] Wins 1st Prize!