Copyright, contracts, and using Gleeson databases

We hope you are learning a lot during Fair Use Week and feeling empowered to create and innovate. Fair use is your right and works together with copyright law. The Association of Research Libraries Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries (2012) points out that “without fair use and related exceptions, copyright would create an unconstitutional constraint on free expression” (p. 6). An important third factor is the contracts that Gleeson Library signs with vendors to provide electronic databases to you. Those contracts, or licenses, guide how you can use the database contents and, in general, take precedence over fair use guidelines.

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Japanese American Day of Remembrance 80th Anniversary

February 19, 2022 marks the 80th anniversary of signing of Executive Order 9066 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which granted the U.S. Army the authority to establish military zones in California, Oregon, Washington, and Arizona, during World War III. This act resulted in the forced displacement and incarceration of some 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry living on the West Coast—including thousands from the San Francisco Bay Area—to concentration camps throughout the United States. Continue reading Japanese American Day of Remembrance 80th Anniversary


Gleeson’s Electronic Resources & Systems (ERS) department strives to keep Gleeson’s e-resources fully accessible at all times. We recognize the importance and value of having as near as possible instantaneous access to a wide array of articles, statistical reports, books, and other reference materials. On occasion, however, you may not be able to access a … Continue reading TROUBLE ACCESSING AN E-RESOURCE? WE’RE HERE TO HELP