Online Access to The Chronicle of Higher Education

If you’d like to read the latest news in higher education, including articles on remote instruction and learning, supporting students online, and how the pandemic may change higher education, check out the The Chronicle of Higher Education, “the nation’s largest newsroom dedicated to covering colleges and universities.” Gleeson Library | Geschke Center provides online access … Continue reading Online Access to The Chronicle of Higher Education

O’Reilly-Safari: new look, more books

Enhance your learning on the new O’Reilly-Safari platform. Gleeson Library | Geschke Center now brings you unlimited access to their Academic Catalog: over 48,000 books, videos, case studies, learning paths, and content from O’Reilly conferences, from beginner to advanced. Read online or download to their app for offline use. You might know O’Reilly-Safari for its … Continue reading O’Reilly-Safari: new look, more books

2019 Library Database and Journal Cancellations

In December, the Library notified faculty of our preliminary plans for database and journal cancellations for the coming fiscal year. This will mark the fifth consecutive year that the Library’s budget has been cut, and each cut necessitates increasingly significant cancellations for the Library and the faculty & students whom we support. Two years ago, … Continue reading 2019 Library Database and Journal Cancellations

Library Systems Department Update

The USF Library’s Systems Department has been working hard behind the scenes to improve services for students, faculty, and staff! Here are some of our recent projects. OpenAthens The implementation of OpenAthens, the Library’s new authentication system to access online resources (databases, ejournals, ebooks, and streaming videos), entered its final phase at the end of … Continue reading Library Systems Department Update

Beginning July 24, the Library will have a new way to login to online resources

The Library is implementing a new authentication system called OpenAthens, which will go-live on Tuesday, July 24. OpenAthens is an identity and IP-based system that provides access to our licensed online resources (databases, ejournals, ebooks, and streaming video) using single sign-on technology. It provides a more secure and reliable experience for users. This solution should … Continue reading Beginning July 24, the Library will have a new way to login to online resources

Academic Take Down Notices and Author Rights: Understanding what’s happening with ResearchGate right now

Last week, the Coalition for Responsible Sharing brought pressure on ResearchGate for hosting material under copyright by publishers. In some ways, this is no different from Sony Music putting pressure on YouTube to take down copyrighted content – while YouTube might not have put up that video of a baby dancing to a Prince song, … Continue reading Academic Take Down Notices and Author Rights: Understanding what’s happening with ResearchGate right now

Get the score on sports resources at Gleeson

Hey, sport! During a recent reference desk shift, a researcher in the library asked me for statistics about badminton participation. I happily recommended the Sports Market Analytics database (previously known as SBRNet).

SMA gathers in-depth analytics on both professional and hobby sports: market share, demographics, venue reports, and trade publications. Although it focuses on the United States, some sports have international data as well. When I walk in Golden Gate Park, I often see a group of people playing badminton. How big a market are they participating in? Check it out: the sport of badminton engendered a 11.5 million dollar market in 2012.

Continue reading “Get the score on sports resources at Gleeson”