Try Cabells Online! Great resource for those who publish or want to

Hi all, Try the online version of an old standby:  Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities. You can access it here: This resource is great for deciding where to send manuscripts for possible publication. The directories available are in the following subject areas : marketing, accounting, economics & finance, management, educational curriculum  & methods, educational … Continue reading Try Cabells Online! Great resource for those who publish or want to

The eCard from the San Francisco Public Library – updated

Update: Penny Scott has alerted us that SFPL’s eCard program has been suspended due to electronic vendor licensing agreements. See Penny’s comment #5 below. — Debbie B. The San Francisco Public Library has introduced a new kind of library card. They call it their eCard and any California resident can register on their website for … Continue reading The eCard from the San Francisco Public Library – updated

Astronomy at the Library

2009 marks the 400th anniversary of the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei, as well as the beginning of The International Year of Astronomy: a global celebration of astronomy and its contributions to society and culture. The library joins in the celebration with a display in the lobby of astronomy-related books and magazines. Check … Continue reading Astronomy at the Library