FDLP Survey

Have you ever used government information at USF? Did you know that USF’s Gleeson Library participates in the Federal Depository Library Program? Help us evaluate how useful these resources and services are to you by completing the survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HSLCRRB. Thanks in advance for your time! Continue reading FDLP Survey

New Pentagon Report on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Hot off the presses! A new report from the folks at the Pentagon, provides results of an in-depth survey of American servicemen and women regarding the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy. DADT bars openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual men and women from serving in the U.S. military. The report reveals perspectives from within … Continue reading New Pentagon Report on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Government Documents: Africa and the State Department

The U.S. State Department and Africa The United States Department of State (often referred to as the State Department) is the federal executive department responsible for international relations. The State Department has a blog called, Dipnote where you can read blog entries from State Department officials about their work and international travels.  “Dipnote” refers to … Continue reading Government Documents: Africa and the State Department

Documents from the HELP Committee

The U.S. HELP Committee Gleeson’s Government Documents collection has a number of interesting documents from the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions that goes by the easy-to-remember-acronym, HELP.  The committee presides over the country’s health care, education, employment and retirement policies. Here are some examples of HELP documents in the collection: *If … Continue reading Documents from the HELP Committee

Government Printing Office Comic Book

The Government Printing Office Publishes Its First Comic Book The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) recently published the agency’s first comic book, Squeaks Discovers Type, as part of the agency’s 150th anniversary. GPO employees created the comic book as a teaching tool for children to illustrate the important role of printing throughout history. What is … Continue reading Government Printing Office Comic Book

BP Oil Spill Reports

The Committee on Energy and Commerce has held 9 hearings into the chain of events that caused the BP oil spill disaster and it’s impacts on the Gulf Coast. Read Chairman Waxman’s Statement on the BP Oil Spill Report. Full text of the most recent hearings are available on the Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on … Continue reading BP Oil Spill Reports