Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

Biology students Breanna, Corinna, and Jocelyn constructed an installation for the Student Social Justice Exhibit, found in Gleeson library, to highlight female genital mutilation which is a major violation of girls’ and women’s human rights. Female genital mutilation refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury … Continue reading Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

Infertility Exhibit

Our newest Student Social Justice Exhibit is on the topic of infertility.  Many thanks to Otto, Zoe, and Milton for creating this informative exhibit! Many women, across the globe, are unable to explain their entire biological body.  Thus, female biology is an applied pedagogy that ascribes almost half of all the people who live on … Continue reading Infertility Exhibit

Pipeline: How the Arts Disrupt the School to Prison Pipeline

From March 19th to March 30th, come see Natalie Smith’s Student Social Justice Exhibit. Smith’s exhibit looks into America’s incarceration system and how art could be a vehicle for change within it. Look near the reference desk to see how art is, and can be, used within incarceration and the community! ******************************************* Gleeson Library cordially … Continue reading Pipeline: How the Arts Disrupt the School to Prison Pipeline

Marcus Book Stores and Gentrification Display

Come visit Gleeson Library’s book display to learn about the history (and future!) of San Francisco’s iconic Marcus Book Stores. The display contextualizes the Fillmore book store’s fate vis-à-vis the legacy of gentrification and displacement in San Francisco and cities around the world. This exhibit was conceived and created by USF Urban Affairs student, David … Continue reading Marcus Book Stores and Gentrification Display