Register to Vote!

Three important elections are on the horizon: Nov. 5, 2019 — Local Elections March 3, 2020 — California Primary ElectionNov. 3, 2020 — United States Presidential Election Are you ready? Registering to vote is easy. It takes less than two minutes to fill out a form on paper. Join us on September 30th and October 16th … Continue reading Register to Vote!

Register to vote in Calif. by today – Oct 20 – check registration online – updated

10/21/08 update: The deadline for voter registration in California has passed. See below for info on registering in other states. Voter registration forms are available at the library for San Francisco County. Forms for other counties are availabile here — fill one out, print, and take it to your county elections office. San Francisco and … Continue reading Register to vote in Calif. by today – Oct 20 – check registration online – updated

Voter registration forms & info at the library – updated

Mail-in voter registration forms are available at Gleeson Library for voting in San Francisco County. (update: thanks to David Silver’s media studies classes’ fabulous installation in the library we have registration forms for any county in California – mail or take to your county elections office.) College students may legally register either at their college … Continue reading Voter registration forms & info at the library – updated