Partner: Alexis
Question 2: In what ways do you see this multi-literacies approach useful (or challenging?) in developing and adopting more effective communication strategies in the real context of workplaces that you are familiar with or that you imagine working for.
Having a multi-literacy approach is useful when being culturally engaging and sensitive to others, however, this can be challenging since there is not one selected and understood source literary causing confusion or miscommunication. The benefits of having a multi-literary approach as demonstrated in the readings this week allow for business/organizations to engage globally and reach different audiences. Some examples include social media platforms, international business, call centers, housing or rental spaces, and tourism. Some of the challenges of a multiliteracies approach include miscommunication, misinterpretation due to cultural differences, and culturally neutral understandings.
Places that inherit these skills of multi-literacy include tech companies and globalized businesses, this allows for more diverse company culture and the reaching of a larger audience. Having a diverse company such as Apple or Google allows for a more skillful and technical employee base that allows them to reach global audiences. It enhances a company’s ability to know how to cater to other culture’s wants and needs to be based on internal input. For employees, it allows for cultural diversity and learning by empowering one another to learn and teach through cultural differences and similarities.