Field Trip #4: Mt. Tamalpais – Ridgecrest Blvd


On March 23rd, I recently had the opportunity to revisit Mount Tamalpais for the second time. However, instead of exploring the same areas as before, we ventured to Ridgecrest Blvd, which is just a 48-minute car ride fro the University of San Francisco. This time around, not only did we get to see new plant species, but we also had the chance to rehash some of the previous plant species we encountered on our previous field trips. On this field trip our class tried to test our knowledge and see whether or not we could distinguish the plant families. During our recent field trip to Ridgecrest Blvd we had a great time exploring the unique plant species, however the trail I have to say was a bit muddy, and unfortunately, I made the mistake of wearing white sneakers. As a result, my once-pristine shoes became caked with mud. Moving on, below are some of the plant families that I found interesting on this trip:


  • Taxon: Vicia sativa
  • Taxon Common Name: Wild Pea (Common Vetch)
  • Parent Taxon: Fabaceae
  • Description:
    • Habit: Annual, glabrous or hairy. Leaf & Stem: Leaves are pinnately compound; has a branched tendril at the tip that clasps surrounding vegetation for support; Leaflets are oblong-elliptic; has a stipules at the base of the compound leaf stalk; stem is decumbent or ascending. Flower: 1-2 short-stalked pea-shaped flowers in the upper leaf axils; pink to purple; calyx attachment basal; lobes linear; banner glabrous. Fruit:flattened pea pod up to 2 inches long. Inflorescence: flowers in sessile or +- peduncled clusters of 1–3; pedicels short

  • Taxon: Genista monspessulana
  • Taxon Common Name: French Broom
  • Parent Taxon: Fabaceae
  • Description:
    • Ecology: Common. Disturbed places. Elevation: < 900 m. Leaf: stipules, deciduous; oblanceolate to widely obovate. Flower: ovate, hairy only on midrib or glabrous. Habit: Shrub < 3m. Inflorescence: racemes short, dense, axillary.

  • Taxon: Sanicula arctopoides Calflora
  • Taxon Common Name: Yellow Mats
  • Parent Taxon: Apiaceae
  • Description:
    • Ecology: open coastal bluffs, headlands, dunes. Elevation: < 250 m. Leaf: simple, +- palmately or ternately dissected, bright +- yellow-green at flower, triangular-ovate to round, lobes coarsely toothed to lobed. Flower: are bisexual 10–12, calyx lobes fused proximal to middle, ovate, acute; corolla yellow; styles 2–3 x calyx lobes. Fruit: obovate to +- round, smooth or with stout, curved. Seed: face concave.


Field Trip #3

On March 2nd, we decided to explore San Pedro Valley Park and hike up to nearly the top of Montara Mountain. San Pedro Valley Park is located near Pacifica, and it was about a 40 minute car ride from the University of San Francisco. The drive was scenic as we got to see the beautiful beaches along the coast. During this hike, there were some California plant species that we had previously learned about from our previous excursions. Professor Paul asked us to recall the names of these species, which made the hike more engaging.

Although the hike was a bit challenging as it was mainly uphill, the views overlooking Pacifica were absolutely breath-taking and made the effort worthwhile. Below are the plant species that I thought was memorable on the hike.

  • Taxon: Trillium Sessile
  • Taxon Common Name: Toadshade
  • Parent Taxon: Liliaceae
  • Description:
    • Ecology: Common. Edges of redwood or mixed-evergreen forest, coastal shrub, chaparral, moist canyon slopes, ravine banks. Elevation: < 2000 m. Leaf: usually have 3, green, often mottled sessile, oval, rounded. Flower: are erect, sessile; petals three; base occasionally purple

  • Taxon: Trillium Albidum
  • Taxon Common Name: Giant White Wakerobin
  • Parent Taxon: Liliaceae
  • Description:
    • Ecology: Common. Edges of redwood or mixed-evergreen forest, coastal shrub, chaparral, moist canyon slopes, ravine banks. Elevation: < 2000 m. Leaf: very big (7–20 cm), sessile, rounded to obtuse at the tip, mottled(brown or green spotted). Flower: sessile; petals erect to ascending, oblanceolate to obovate, white to pink, base occasionally purple

  • Taxon: Solanum Umbelliferum Calflora
  • Taxon Common Name:Bluewitch nightshade
  • Parent Taxon: Solanaceae
  • Description:
    • Ecology: Shrub-land, mixed-evergreen forest, woodland. Elevation: < 1600 m. Habit: Perennial herb to subshrub. Leaf: generally entire, elliptic to obovate. Flower: lavender to blue-purple, simple leaves, attached petals, 5 petals. Inflorescence: +- umbel-like, forked or not