Month: September 2020

Sept 30- Free writing

  • why trump is not only a bad president but a bad person
  • climate change
  • stolen land to native people
  • Privilege of running
  • microagressions towards asians
  • “you are what you eat
  • food desserts
  • corrupt politicians

Essay 2 outline(not a specified  topic)



why its an issue

how are people addressing it

best solution


Sept 28- Bry and Jamye

Exercise 1

Combine each sentence pair into a single sentence using either a coordinating conjunction or a conjunctive adverb. Then copy the combined sentence onto your own sheet of paper.

  1.  Mr. Taylor doesn’t allow pets in the building, however, he owns several cats and a parrot.
  2. New legislation prevents drivers from sending or reading text messages while driving, yet any people continue to use their phones illegally.
  3. The coroner concluded that the young man had taken a lethal concoction of drugs, consequently by the time his relatives found him, nothing could be done.
  4. Amphibians are vertebrates that live on land and in the water, als0 Flatworms are invertebrates that live only in water.
  5. Ashley carefully fed and watered her tomato plants all summer so, the tomatoes grew juicy and ripe.
  6. When he lost his car key, Simon attempted to open the door with a wire hanger, a credit card, and a paper clip, then he called the manufacturer for advice.

Exercise 2

Combine each sentence pair into a single sentence using a subordinating conjunction and then copy the combined sentence onto your own sheet of paper.

  1. Jake is going to Mexico because there are beautiful beaches in Mexico.
  2. A snowstorm disrupted traffic all over the east coast since there will be long delivery delays this week.
  3. My neighbor had his television volume turned up too high then, I banged on his door and asked him to keep the noise down.
  4. Jessica prepared the potato salad and the sautéed vegetables, later, Ashley marinated the chicken.
  5. Romeo poisons himself before, Juliet awakes to find Romeo dead and stabs herself with a dagger.

Sept 23, 2020- In Class Writing

In the reading, “Resources in LGBTQ History in the United States: 1900 to 2019” written by Lisa N. Johnston reviews a handful of impactful events that brought national awareness to the LGBTQ community. The reading discuss a centuryʻs improvement for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer rights that tie into civil rights and antidiscrimination protections. People who should be automatically included into society fought years for basic human rights because many in society think that they do not belong. The reading dives into the different laws passed, riots started, and immense efforts into fitting the large history of the LGBTQ community.

In the writing, Johnston includes the fiftieth anniversary of the police raid on the Stonewall Inn that occurred in New York City. This riot began on June 28, 1969, and continued for a few more days. “The Stonewall Inn catered to an LGBTQ clientel that included drag queens, hustlers, transgender women of color, and homeless gay teens”(Johnston 2019) which brought the brutal truth that people of color, those with different sexual orentation, and those kicked out of their homes because of their preferences. This riot shows the brutality that these certain people needed to endure. 


Citation: Johnston, L. N. (2019, November). Resources in LGBTQ History in the United States: 1900 to 2019. CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 57(3), 257+.

Sept 2: In Class Writing

Katie Zamos

-Katie spoke a lot about the meaning of Ethos and used it as a method to clearly relate it to the methods she recommended people use in an argument.

-My paragraph lacked details about Ethos.

-We had similar methods of addressing what we needed in a successful argument.

-I thought her perspective was very interesting sting because she was straight to the point with all of her details. It is important to be straight to you point when explaining your argument.

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