Meaning of Name

My full name is Jeri Lois Posadas Blanco. Jeri Lois is my first name. Jeri is of English origin while Lois is Greek. Most people think that Lois is my middle name but Posadas is. There is evidence Posadas is originated in colonial Mexico. On the other hand, Blanco is of Spanish origin.

In my family, it is tradition to name their children with names that start with the letter J and a second first name. So all my siblings and all my cousin’s name start with a J. I believe that Jeri was the only name left that they could think of, and added Lois as it is the same name of my street. Therefore Jeri Lois is separate two names but it is considered as one name. For example, my sister’s name is Julia Nicole, my brother’s Jason Aaron, and one of my cousin’s is Jamie Kaye.

Growing up with my name there has always been problems. My family gave me the nickname, Jelo. They basically took the JE from Jeri and the LO from Lois and created Jelo. Throughout elementary many people such as classmates, friends of my mother’s, etc. All said that I had a boy’s name. At first, I was insecure about my name, but over time I’ve learned to love my name. Today most people call my Jelo.


My name is Jelo Blanco. I grew up in the city of San Francisco and now attend the University of San Francisco. I have two parents, one older sister who also attends USF, a little brother in high school, and lastly one bearded dragon names Godzilla. I love to travel and eat! I have been to many places such as Europe and the Philippines. My favorite place that I have traveled to would probably be Santorini, Greece. I prefer hot weathered places because it reminds me of summer. I also mentioned that I love to eat. I will eat anything! Some of my hobbies include baking as well as doing nails and eyebrows. Over the summer my mom taught me how to bake using most of her recipes. I also spent time doing other people’s nails and eyebrows over the summer.

Since I’m a Biology major, I am looking forward to becoming part of the medical field in the future.  I am not quite sure which career I want to pursue yet, but I am positive about my future.

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