Field Journal Entry #11 Protected: Mt. Tam Part 2: Steep Ravine

Mt.Tam Steep Ravine, Rocky Point Rd

Coordinates: 37.9235° N, 122.5965° W

We visited Mt.Tamalpais again, and this time we hiked down to the point of Steep Ravine Canyon along the coast offering shady forest and a section of redwood forest. We could see the beautiful views of Stinson Beach and the Steep Ravine cabins. The cool thing about the coast is that if you’re lucky you can also see the whales!! The open spaces were full of water availability that many plants who are successful in the moist environment were successful there unlike last time when we were at the serpentine grasslands. During the hike we could see a diverse plant species including oaks, California bays, redwoods, ferns and more!

Viola sempervirens

Viola sempervirens, also known as Redwood Violet, is a native perennial species. The first thing I noticed was that the leaves are enormous! They were bigger than the flower which is kind of unique. The leaves are simple and evergreen; basal1-5 per caudex, petiole 2-16cm, the ovate to round blade is 1-4.5cm, 2-3.9cm wide. The inflorescence is axillary, and 5-10cm penduncle. The flowers are sepals lanceolate, often purple-streaked or spotted and not ciliate. The petals are lemon-yellow, lower 3 veined brown-purple, lateral 2 beared with cylindric hairs, lowest 8-17mm. They are usually found in shady areas in coastal forest in elevations between 5-1400m. The flowering time is around January through July.

Aquilegia formosa 

Aquilegia formosa, also known as Columbine, is a native perennial herb that is a part of Iridaceae family. The first thing I noticed was that very vibrant red color and unique petal shape at the tips. That vibrant red color of flowers attract hummingbirds for pollination. The habit is glabrous, glaucous at least proximally. The elaves are basa, lower cauline generally 2-ternate, and petioles are between 5-30cm, leaflets 7-45mm with upper cauline generally simple to deeply 3-lobed. The sepals are about 10-20mm, tip is about 1.5-4mm wide, and stamens about 10-18mm. They can be easily found in streambanks, seeps, moist places, chaparral, oak woodland, mixed evergreen or confifer forests. They usually live in elevation less than 3300m and its flowering time is around April until September.

Trientalis latifolia

Trientalis latifolia, also known as Western Star flower is a native perennial herb that is part of Primulaceae family. It can easily found in shaded and moist area and it grows pretty short compared to other species. The stem is erect, about 5-30cm. The leaves are whorl near stem tip, blade is ovate to obovate, about 25-90mm. The flowers are in parts of 5 or 7, and calyx lobes 5-7mm, corolla 8-15mm wide, generally pink to rose, stamens 5-7mm. The sepals are more or less free and are persistent. They usually live in shaded places especially woodland in elevation less than 1400m. The flowering time is around April to July.

Narrative: This field trip was the last one before the field final! I was a bit disappointed at first because we were going to Mt.Tam again, but the habitat was very different compared to last one. Unlike last one when we found many species living in the serpentine soil, this time we get to see a lot of species that thrive in a shaded and moist area. The giant redwood forests made me feel such a small person, and I got to appreciate the motherland nature around us. The hike was more fun and adventurous especially the ladder we climbed down during the hike!! I felt like we were the Indiana Jones! After we survived from the jungle, we got to see the beautiful Stinson beach and the cabin along the coast. We were unlucky that we didn’t get to see the whales but next time I will!

Additional Photos!

Adenocaulon bicolor, part of Asteraceae

Myosotis latifolia, part of Boraginaceae

Athyrium filix-femina part of Woodsiaceae family

Ageratina adenophora, part of Asteraceae

Field Journal Entry #10 Mt.Tamalpais

Mt. Tamalpais, CA
Coordinates: 37 °54’267 N 122 °29’40″W

Mt.Tamalpais is a peak in Marin County, California, often considered symbolic of Marin County. There were beautiful views and plant species on the way drive up. It was the highest place we’d been this semester. The place was full of coastal scrub, grassland, redwood forests and interestingly serpentine soil. There were some species living in the rocky serpentine output. For example, Claytonia exiqua is one of the special species that can thrive in that harsh environment. This species might not do well in other environment such as clay soil compared to other species. The mountain also provide home for many wildlife animals such as lizards, birds, and snakes.

Leptosiphon parviflorus

Leptosiphon parviflorus is a annual plant that is part of Polemoniaceae. The stem range from 4 to 40cm and the narrowly obovate to linear leaves consists of lobes 2-19mm. The inflorescence is head, and the flowers are closing at night. The flower is densely hairy, glandular, membrane obscure. The tube is 11-46mm, elliptic to oblanceolate, thread-like and colors of pink, white, or yellow. It mostly lives in open or wooded areas about less than 1200m elevation. The flowering time is between March to June.

Whipplea modesta

Whipplea modesta, also known as modesty, is a part of family Hydrangeaceae. It is a native plant that is perennial herb. The ovate to elliptic leaves are persistent, blade about 1.5-4cm, 1-3cm wide, coarsely strigose, and ascending upper surface hairs. The inflorescence is cyme or raceme, and have flowers about 4-12. The flower is about 4-6mm wide, and consists of 4-6 narrowly oblong sepals about 1.5-2mm, obovate white petals about 4-6. It has terminal stigma and doesn’t have any smell. It mostly lives in coastal scrub, chaparral, forest, or open areas about 45 to 1525m elevation. The flowering time is in between March to July.

Ceanothus cuneatus

Ceanothus cuneatus, also known as Buckbrush, is a native flowering shrub that is part of the Rhamnaceae family. It is every common in California and known for its evergreen leaves that is opposite and sessile. The stem is generally ascending to spreading, twigs generally gray to brown. The leaves are some occasionally clustered, blade elliptic, oblanceolate, or obovate. The flower is generally white or light blue. It lives in sandy to rocky flats, slopes and ridges about less than 2133m elevation. The flowering time is in between February to May.

Mysterious Plants!

Githopsis specularioides, Common bluecup

Viola pedunculata, California golden violet

Narrative: We left the campus around 1pm and the weather was cloudy, and chilly. I thought it would not be a good day for hiking, but surprisingly when we arrive at the peak of the mountain, it became extremely hot and dry. I thought I would not need a water but it was a big mistake. I was so dehydrated until we found the water fountain. We started walking from the serpentine output where some special plants thrive in such a harsh environment. However they would not survive in other places since their competitive ability is really poor compared to other plants. We could see the downtown at the peak and realized how all the clouds are clustered under to city while we have beautiful sunshine up here at the mountain. The hike is overall great, not too difficult. The most interesting thing was I got to see the plants that live in serpentine soil in person and the snakes!!

Additional photos

Allium falcifolium – Sickle leaf onion

Wyethia angustifolia, part of Asteraceae

Allium falcifolium, sickle leaf onion, part of Amaryllidaceae

Phacelia distans, part of Boraginaceae


Field Journal Entry#9 Ring Mountain

Ring Mountain Preserve Tiburon, CA

Coordinates: 37.9099° N, 122.4858° W

Ring Mountain is an open area with serpentine grassland located in the Marin County, California. The trail consists of grassy slopes with many different wildflowers such as poppies and goldfields, and other short shrubs. There were many giant rocks on the trail almost remind me of Stonehenge. Some part of the trail got little muddy but overall it was good. Serpentine grassland holds extensive amount of wildflowers during the spring that we all enjoyed walking through.

Calystegia purpurata

Calystegia purpurata, also known as smooth western morning glory, is a part of Convolvulaceae family. It is perennial herb from woody caudex, glabrous, often glaucous. The stem is trailing to strongly climbing less than 7m. The leaves is triangular to reinform. It is a funnel shaped flower. The lobes are spreading, 2-tipped with sinus V-shaped. The inflorescence is peduncle 1,5 flowered. The flower has sepals about 7-14mm, corolla 23-52mm, and white or cream.

lupinus nanus

lupinus nanus, also known as sky lupine, is a native annual plant that is part of fabaceae family. The petiole is roughly 2-8.5cm, leaflets 5-9mm, 1-12mm wide, occasionally linear. The inflorescence consists of 2-20cm flowers generally whorled, penduncle 2-15cm, pedicels 2.5-7mm and bract 4-12mm. The flower is 6-15mm, upper deeply lobed, and blue or lavender petals and the center of the banners are white. It usually live in open or disturbed areas less than 1300m elevation. The flowering time is around March to June.

Achillea millefolium

Achillea millefolium, also known as Common Yarrow, is a native perennial herb that is part of Asteraceae family. The cauline leaves are alternate, divided finely 3-pinnate. The inflorescence is consists of phyllaries 4-9mm. The ray flower is white about 2.4-4mm, ovate to round. The disk flower is white about 15-40mm, corolla 2-3mm. It lives in many habitats such as disturbed grasslands less than 3560m elevation. The flowering time is between April to September.


We left the parking lot around 1 pm and it took about half an hour to get there. The reserve was open grassland area that consists of variety of wildflowers and Stonehenge around the trail. It was a beautiful area except it was cloudy with very very strong wind. I thought if we were there at the right time, the view would be unbelievable. It was so windy and everyone had hard time listening to Dr.Paul and taking picture of the plants. The wind got little better after an hour or so. We also took picture at the top of the giant rock mountain. I realized that serpentine soil holds extensive amount of wildflowers during the spring and overall we enjoyed the trail.

Additional photos:

Milk Thistle, part of Asteraceae

Purple Vetch, part of fabaceae

False Babystars, part of polemoniaceae

Field Journal Entry#8 Edgewood Par

Edgewood Park & Natural Preserve

10 Old Stage Coach Rd, Redwood City, CA 94062

Coordinates: 37.4732° N, 122.2782° W

Edgewood County Park and Natural Preserve is a 467-acre protected area located in San Mateo County and is best known for its spring wildflower displays. It has variety of habitats of woodlands, coastal shrubs, wetlands and grasslands perfect for hiking or walking dogs. There were great amount of poison oaks on the side of the trail that had to be looked out for. The overall trail difficulty was moderate since there were some big slopes in between. There were great amount of new flowers we learned at this field trip. The tidy tips, pineapple weed, blue eyed grass, shepherd’s needle were some of the flowers we have encountered.


Layia platyglossa

Layia platyglossa, also known as Tidy Tips, is a native annual wildflower that is part of the Asteraceae family. This plant was mostly found in grasslands. The habit is decumbent to erect, glandular, not strongly scented. The stem is not generally purple-streaked. The leaves were linear to lanceolate or oblanceolate, proximal lobed. The inflorescence was peduncle less than 13cm. The flower is yellow inside and white on the perimeter. The fruit is glaborous or sparsely hairy. It lives in the elevation less than 2000m. The flowering time is between Feburary to July.


Matricaria discoidea

Matricaria discoidea, also known as pineapple weed, is a part of Asteraceae family. The stem is generally branched from base. The leaves is glabrous and sessile. The inflorescence is having heads generally 1cm diameter shatting at maturity. It has 1-2mm corolla, and fruits narrow brown glands extending to bottom of fruit. It lives in elevation less than 2250m. The flowering time is from February to August.

Scandix pecten-veneris

Scandix pecten-veneris, also known as Shepherd’s needle, is a nonnative that is a part of Apiaceae family. Their leaves are parallel with petiole about 2-10cm. The blade is 2-10cm, 1-5cm wide. The inflorescence is penduncle about 1-6cm, lance-linear to obovate, ciliate. The fruit is wide and rounded that has body about 6-15mm, 1-2mm wide. It lives generally in grassy slopes or roadsides elevation around 15-1000m. The flowering time is from April to June.


We left on time around 1pm at the parking lot. This field trip was quite a drive that it took longer than the others. There was a giant hill right at the beginning of the hike that completely burned my thighs. There were many poison oaks on the side of the trail, so we managed to stay inside of the trailroad. We saw many wildflower plants that we haven’t seen in the previous field trips. My favorite one was the pineapple weed because it really looks like a mini pineapple. That was the first time that I actually agreed on how they named the plant. I wish the weather could be better since it was cloudy all the time.


Striped Coralroot, part of Orchidaceae

Field Madder, part of Rubiaceae family

Winter Cress, part of Brassicaceae family

Lupinus albifrons, part of Fabaceae


Field Journal Entry #7 Marin Headlands

The Marin Headlands Sausalito, CA 94965

coordinates: 37.8262° N, 122.4997° W

The Marin Headlands is a hilly peninsula at the southernmost end of Marin County California. It is located just north of San Francisco across the Golden Gate Bridge. This place has beautiful view of Golden Gate Bridge and downtown skyline. The trail was not very hard, but it had some incline and long zigzag trails. This was where the filed quiz was taken so it wasn’t easy for me to take time and look around. The variety of plants such as lupinus, coffeeberry, and other flowering plants were there living in habitat of grasslands and coastal scrub.

Nemophila menziesii

Nemophila menziesii, also known as baby blue eyes, is a part of family Boraginaceae. It is a native plant with opposite leaves. The blade is linear-oblong to ovate with lobes around 5-13mm. It has entire or 1-3mm toothed. The inflorescence is pedicels 20-60mm and less than 70mm in fruit. The flower is calyx lobes 4-8mm, corolla 5-20mm wide with bowl shaped to rotate. The flower is bright blue in the circumference and white center generally blue-veined or black-dotted.

Franciscan Paintbrush

Franciscan Paintbrush is a native plant that is part of Orobanchaceae. It is very noticeable with the bright vibrant red petals. It is a bilaterally symmetrical flowers that has short axillary shoots in the stem. The leaves are lanceolate about 30-80mm and inflorescence is open and has bracts that are entire with the bright red tips on the petals.

Erythranthe guttata

Erythranthe guttata, also known as yellow monkey flower, is a native plant with ovate to round leaves. The leaves are abruptly reduced on distal stem. The inflorescence is raceme, generally flowers, and bracts ovate to cordate, not glaucous. The flower is open and calyx about 11-17mm, and asymmetrically swollen in fruit. They commonly live in wet area generally terrestrial.It lives at elevation less than 2500m.


We left the school at 1pm and arrived in 20minutes. It was a field quiz day and I was keep looking at notes on the way. It was surprising that the weather is good, despite the fact that it was raining all week. We looked at about 55 species (including the bonus questions) and got out little early about 30minutes. It started to rain again right after we arrived at school.

Additional photos!

Harlequin Flower, part of Iridaceae

Lupine, part of Fabaceae

Fringe cups, part of family Saxifragaceae

Field Journal Entry #6 San Bruno Mountain State and County Park

San Bruno Mountain State Park
Brisbane, CA 94005
Coordinates: 37.6969° N, 122.4338° W

San Bruno Mountain State Park is a state park located in northern San Mateo County, California. It is adjacent to the southern boundary of San Francisco and borders the cities of Brisbane, South San Francisco. The trails is suitable for hiking, walking dogs, and jogging. The mountain area uphold a grassland habitat. It offers the beautiful views of Pacific Ocean and the downtown skyline. There were radio broadcast towers at the top of the trail. We were able to see many beautiful species especially flowering plants since flowers started to blossom this month. Franciscan wallflower was one of the memorable plants in this trip.


Salvia spathacea

Salvia spathacea, also known as california hummingbird sage, is a part of family Lamiaceae. It is native perennial herb, mat-like, and hairs wavy. The leaves are about 8-20cm and the blade is oblong. The inflorescence is clusters less than 6cm wide, and green to purple bracts between 1.5-4cm. The flower is calyx about 1.5cm to 3cm, upper lip generally entire, and corolla tube about 25-35mm. It generally lives in common, oak woodland, chaparral, coastal-sage scrub. The flowering time is around March to May.

Ceanothus thyrisflorus

Ceanothus thyrisflorus, also known as blueblossom is a native evergreen shrub that is a part of the Rhamnaceae family. This plant is mat-like to erect and the stem is spreading to erect. The leaves are green and alternate, stipules are scale like. The blade is about 10-40mm, oblong to ovate or widely elliptic. Its inflorescence is generally raceme or panicle like about 1.5-7cm. The flower is vibrant light to deep blue.

Erysimum franciscanum

Erysimum franciscanum, also known as Franciscan Wallflower, is a native plant that is part of family Brassicaceae. The plant with four petals in a cross shape has yellow-shite color flowers. The flowers are arranged in a raceme inflorescence and its leaves are simple and alternate. This is endangered plant but we were lucky to see this plant multiple times during the hike.


We departed right on time around 1pm at the parking lot. It took about 25minutes for us to get there with not much of traffic. The hike was overall easy to moderate. It was good to see plants we saw in the previous hikes since it was a good review for our field quiz. The most plant family we saw was apiaceae, boraginaeceae, and brassicaceae. One of the memorable plant I found out in this hike was Franciscan Wallflower. The shape of the 4 petals with beautiful white yellowish color made me to keep looking at it. It was sad to hear that this is currently endangered plant. The best part of this trip was In n Out. This was the reason why I took this class! It felt more amazing after the workout.

More plants!

Leucanthemum vulgare, part of family Asteraceae

Sidalcea malviflora, part of Malvaceae

Calandrinia menziesii, part of Montiaceae

Field Journal Entry #5 Mt.Tamalpais(Ridgecrest)

Coordinates: 37°55′44.72″N122°34′40.18″W

We’d visited Mt. Tamalpais again but this time it was ridgecrest blvd. Ridgecrest blvd is a beautiful driveway up the west flank of Mount Tamalpais that shows scenery views of the Marin coast. We saw coyote brush, madrone, poison hemlock at the first stop. We made multiple short stops that we encountered many different habitats such as coastal scrub, deciduous forest, grasslands, and open chaparrals. We also saw chain ferns, wild strawberries, live oak, and bedstraw. The weather was cloudy and chilly, but we saw people were hang gliding which was really cool. We also took a class photo!

Calypso bulbosa

Calypso bulbosa also known as fairy slipper is a part of Orchidaceae family. It is native perennial plant that has a small pink, purple or pinkish-purple flower. It has parallel venation and modified set of petals. It has a single big flower. Its habit is 7-18cm. The leaves are basal, petioled, blade 3-6.5cm, elliptic to white-hairy at mouth. It is concave, column 8-11mm, wide-ovate, hood-like, arched over pouch. The fruit is erect and they mostly live in generally shaded conifer forest. The flowering time is between March to June. It mostly thrive in the elevation less than 1800m.


Iris macrosiphon

Iris macrosiphon, also known as ground iris is a native flowering plant that is from Iridaceae family. They’re monocots that has unbranched stem up to 15cm. The leaves are basal 3-6mm wide, base is generally colorless. Inflorescence is 1 or 2 flowers in parts of 3 with lowest 2 bracts opposite, enclosing perianth tube, outer 5-9cm, 9-17mm wide. The flower is lavender to deep blue-purple and generally veined darker with bowl-like at top. The sepals are about 4-7cm, 14-22mm wide. They commonly live in open to partly shaded slopes in oak or pine woodland. They usually thrive in the elevation generally less than 1000m. The flowering time is between March to May,


Oxalis pes-caprae

Oxalis pes-caprae, aka Bermuda buttercup is an invasive non-native species of tristylous flowering plant in the wood sorrel family Oxalidaceae. It is perennial herb and bulbs many on rhizomes. The stem is generally underground, vertical, and short. Its leaves are basal rosette at enlarge stem tip. The petiole is less than 12cm and leaflets are less than 3.5cm, abaxially hairy. Inflorescence is umbel-like, less than 20 flowered, peduncle less than 30cm. The flower is sepals less than 7mm, lanceolate to oblong, tips often with 2 orange tubercles. The petals are yellow and less than 2.5cm. They usually live in disturbed areas, roadsides, grassland and elevation less than 820m. The flowering time is between January to May.


We left campus around 12:50pm and arrived at our destination after 40 minutes. This field trip was little different. I thought this trip was easy compared to previous trips because we didn’t hike for too long. Instead, we made multiple stops and looked for species that live in different habitat. We saw many flowering plants and I especially thought that California poppy was the most beautiful one among Apiaceae. The weather was little chilly, cloudy, and windy. The first place was at the Homestead Fire Road where we saw Bermuda buttercups, poison hemlock, coyote brush, and yellow mats. The second place was grassy hills where we saw live oaks and leather oak. When we were taking a class photo we saw people doing hang gliding which was so cool. I thought I want to come back again for hang gliding and see the beautiful plants from the air.

Additional Photos:

Checker Mallow, part of family Malvaceae

California poppy, part of family Papaveraceae

Sanicula arctopiodes, part of Apiaceae



Field Journal Entry #4 Mt.Tamalpais

Coordinates: 37.9235° N, 122.5965° W

Mt.Tamalpais is a peak in Marin County, California, often considered symbolic of Marin County. We hiked along the Yolanda Trail near Phoenix Lake. There was a watershed, Marin municipal water district at the start of our hike and we saw the big artificial waterfall too. The trail was surrounded by the mountains with Coffeeberry, madrones, California bays, redwoods, and black oaks that were the species easy to find throughout the trail. The trail was little muddy but overall easy with some uphills.

Adiantum jordanii 

Adiantum jordanii, also known as California Maidenhair is a native perennial plants that is part of Pteridaceae family. It lives in relatively shaded hillsides and wet, moist woodland. It has leaves 20-50cm, blade 2-3 pinnate. They’re lobed often less than quarter way to base, generally with irregular lobes, margins at base converging at 90-180 degree. The dark stalk color often ending abruptly at base of ultimate segments and mid-vein forked into equal branches not along margin. Its stems are relatively thin and black.

Pedicularis densiflora

Pedicularis densiflora, also known as warrior’s plume is a native perennial plants that is part of Orobanchaceae family. The habit is soft to coarse brown hairy. The stem is around 6-55cm. Its leaves are basal 5-28cm, lance-oblong, segments 13-41cm, linear to ovate, doubly toothed to lobed. The inflorescence is 4-12cm, lower bracts larger than flowers. The flower is calyx about 8-15mm, generally hairy, corolla 23-36mm, straight, club-like, deep red to red purple. The fruit is about 8-13mm and the seed is 2.5-4.5mm, surface netted. It mostly live in dry chaparral, oak pine or yellow-pine forest. The flowering time is between March to May.

Iris macrosiphon

Iris macrosiphon, also known as ground iris, is a native perennial plant that is part of the Iridaceae family. It is a monocot, living in relatively sunny, grasslands, meadows or open woodlands. Habit is rhizome, blubs, fleshy roots. The leaves are 2-ranked in basal fan; it is reduced, often bract-like, without development of distal portion. Inflorescence is flat cyme, flowers can be 1 or more. The flower is perianth parts clawed, sepals generally wider than petals in multiples of three, spreading or reflexed, occasionally with white area in basal 3/4, this generally with smaller yellow area; petals erect; stamens free forming 3. The fruit loculicidal capsule, rounded or triangular. Seed generally compressed, pitted, light to dark brown.


We departed the parking lot around 1pm and arrived at the park around 1:45pm. It was quite a drive, and the weather was little chilly as there had been rain in the past weeks. This hike was not too difficult, except there were some big uphills. One thing I enjoyed the most was when we went up the hill to see the species Mimulus congdonii which Dr.Paul had found. It was very unique small pink flower but also it was good to look down the view up at the hill. The trail was little muddy and slippery so I was more careful when going down from the hill. We saw many familiar plants that we previously encountered such as coffeeberry, California bay, or Coastal sage brush. Overall I really enjoyed this hike and I hope I come back when the weather gets more dry and more flowers bloom.

Additional Photos

The artificial waterfall at the start of hike

The watershed at the beginning of trail

Diaplacus congdonii, Congon’s monkeyflower

Dudleya cymose, aka rock lettuce, part of family Crassulaceae

Primula hendersonii, aka shooting star


San Pedro Valley

37.5779° N, 122.4757° W

San Pedro Valley, Pacifica, 94044

San Pedro Valley is San Mateo County park located in Pacifica, California. This park consists of beautiful hiking trails, lush valleys, waterfalls, and mount lions that suit perfect for anyone. It wasn’t difficult hike, the trails wasn’t too steep and the weather wasn’t too cold. You can see the beautiful view of pacific ocean at the top of the trail, forcing me to come back in the near future. The park contains variety of habitats including grassland, coastal shrubs, coast live oak trees, madrons, toyons, coffeeberry and many more.

Toxicoscordion fremontii 

Toxicoscordion fremontii also known as deathcamus is a monocot flower that is native California. The habit is bulb 20-35 mm. The stem is glabrous 40-90 cm. Leaves are green and linear shape. Their venation is parallel and also curved. they are about 20-50cm, 8-30 mm wide, curved, and scabrous ciliate. The inflorescence is green, panicle or raceme, 5-40cm. Flower is white and yellow, bisexual, radial symmetry perianth parts 5-15mm, widely ovate, obtuse, outer very short-clawed 2-3mm. Fruit is 10-35mm. The flowering time is February to June.


Pentagramma triangularis

Pentagramma triangularis, also known as Gold Back Fern, is a native fern in California. This is interesting fern because the color of the opposite side is different. The petiole is brown to reddish brown with or without exudate. Blade is relatively thin 3-10cm, gen pale to dark green, upper surface generally without exudate. The leaves are 5 lobed and triangular. It is common in shaded slopes or rocky areas.

Rubus parviflorus

This native flower has bright green palmate simple leaves and large white and yellow flowers. The leaves are 5 lobed, coardse toothed and tip is acute. Inflorescence is panicle-like cyme, flowers are about 3-7. The flower has hairy sepals, petals 14-22mm, widely elliptic to obovate to round. The fruit is red raspberry-type. It is most common in moist semi-shaded areas, especially edges of woodland. The flowering time is around March to August.



We departed the parking lot around 1 pm and this time we didn’t have problem exiting the parking spot. The ride was relatively longer. It took about 40 minutes to get there but it didn’t feel like that long since we got to see beautiful pacific ocean next to the road. The weather was amazing, and I barely wear my jacket. Some trail was little muddy but overall it was clean and easy to hike. My favorite time in the trip was when we were up at the top. It was good to see some familiar plants we saw in the previous trip such as the giant madrone and toyon and coffeeberry. We could see the beautiful pacific ocean with villages and forests. We couldn’t see any mountain lions unfortunately, but next time.


Eriodictyon californium “Yerba Santa,” aka “black Santa” or “Dirty Santa”

Beautiful weather beautiful mountain


At the top of the trail. Amazing view!



Field Journal Entry #2 Presidio

The trail near the coast 37.7989° N, 122.4662° W

Presidio, San Francisco, CA 94129

The presidio of San Francisco is a park and former military fort on the northern tip of the SF peninsula and is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. It was relatively a short trail compared to the one in Baltimore Canyon. The park is composed of mostly wooden area, stairs and hills with a beautiful scenery of Golden Gate Bridge and Marshall Beach. We could see some trees cut by the army on the trail and the poison oaks!! We also saw deciduous shrubs, coffeeberry, Osoberry, Toyon and many other diverse species.

Frangula californica 

Frangula californica, also known as Coffeeberry, is a family of Rhamnaceae. This is the first plant we saw on the trail. It is shrub about less than 5m, and its stem is reddish brown. The leaf is generally evergreen with petiole 3-10mm, blade 20,100mm, elliptic to ovate, base acute to rounded, and tip truncate to acute. The vein is generally easy to observe. The florescence is 5-60 flowered, and pedicel less than 20mm. The flower is hypanthium 1-2mm wide. The fruit is generally 2-stoned with black color, size of around 10-15mm.


Fragraria chiloensis

Beach strawberry is a family of Rosaceae is often dioecious plant. The leaf is thick, leathery and petiole is generally 2-20cm. The blade is 10-60mm, obovate, and densely hairy. It is glabrous adaxially, rounded to truncate, rounded-obtuse. Inflorescence is exceeding leaves generally 20-40mm wide; hypanthium bractlets unlobed; sepals 6-10mm; petals 10-18mm. The flower is receptacle 10-20mm, white petals and yellow stamen in the middle. They ususally live in ocean beaches, and coastal grassland.


Polypodium californicum

Polypodium californicum, also known as California polypody is a fern that is a part of family polypodiaceae. It is summer-deciduous but it can also be evergreen depending on the climate. The blade is pinnate about 10-25cm long, The leaves are deltate to ovate, and membranous to fleshy, often firm. The interesting feature of the plant is you can see the sporangia under the leaves. The sori is yellow to orange color about 1.5-3.5mm round to ovate. They usually live in shaded canyons, streambanks, slopes, cliffs or coastal bluffs.



We waited in the classroom for 15 minutes until the rain die down. We moved to the parking lot around 1:10pm but we got little delayed because Dr.Paul’s grad student had a hard time exiting the parking spot. It was hilarious that I thought Dr.Paul went to help him but he started taking a photo of it. It rained sporadically few times on our time on the trail and Dr.Paul started taking a video of our suffering. I should’ve smiled and pretend like the rain was nothing since we were all on his feed. The place was muddy but the hike was not as steep and difficult as we had in Baltimore Canyon. The rain didn’t bother me no more because there was a beautiful scenery of the Golden Gate Bridge and Marshall Beach on our way. I particularly enjoyed seeing Beach blue lupine, Osoberry, Arroyo willow and Blue witch. I also realized that botanists are really bad at naming since they’re nearly color blinds. Blue witch was not blue! it was purple! Since I’m not from here I never knew that I could see variety of different plants just 10 minute away from our school. It was a memorable moment and I will come back in the future when we have better weather!

More plants!

Heteromeles arbuifolia aka Toyon; Family:Rosaceae

Solanum umbelliferum aka blue witch; Family:Solanaceae

Eriophyllum staechadifolium aka Lizard tail; Family:Asteraceae