Why London Makes Sense For San Francisco IT Students

Whether it is down to the quality of life or the presence of big-name It companies like HTL, London is the perfect place for San Francisco students to target. Once you graduate within the IT sector, an exciting world of work opens up for students looking to take their education into the professional realm. And while San Francisco is comfortably one of the best tech cities in the world, there is a lot of competition.

There is also an increasing interest in bringing people outside the local area into the IT sector. While the foundations of any IT education remain the same worldwide, how certain things are done elsewhere in the world can be a good enough reason for an employer to look to hire someone from outside of the area. While this might limit local opportunities in IT employment, as companies look to bring in different perspectives from around the industry, it does mean that the same benefits apply to you!

With that in mind, it might be worth looking into other major cities you could choose to move to. Americans, in particular, can find a happy home in London. After all, it is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, with very few exceptions. It makes a tremendous place to live, keeping you around a culture and way of life that can be very similar to San Francisco – just without the weather.

For many, life in London can be a game-changing experience. It can introduce those who have lived in San Francisco or their academic lives to a different challenge. The pace of life in London is incredibly fast, too, but so is the speed of opportunity. London is also a city with a major investment in IT, so it can be a great place to find working opportunities that might not be present here. Many new startups always appear in London, looking for exciting new hires.

As such, you should view London as a place to consider moving down the line. Once you have graduated into the IT sector, moving to London could allow you to experience life from a whole new perspective. You also meet people you would never have met if you stayed in America.

Sure, moving abroad can be daunting and seem pointless for SF residents. After all, you already live in the greatest city in the world, right?

That being said, London is a city that forces you to look at the world differently. That can be great for building up a sense of maturity from a professional perspective. Seeing how IT is operated in the capital of the United Kingdom, too, is a very exciting opportunity. From meeting new people to seeing how IT differs in the UK to enjoying the different paces of life, London is perfect for IT academics from San Francisco.

So, if you want to find an opportunity abroad instead of staying in the local IT scene in San Francisco, consider London. It offers a life-changing experience that could be pretty incredible for you. San Francisco will always be one of the homes of technology in America, but London is one of the homes of technology in Europe.

With so many opportunities waiting for you in London, why not see what lies over the Atlantic?

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