Future Advocate for Community Engagement
Nichole Vasquez
USF Student, Incoming ACE 2015-2016
In my second semester of my freshman year, I became involved in the non-profit organization Generation Citizen, which has since become a recognized club here on campus. Generation Citizen works to civically engage youth, by having college volunteers act as democracy coaches in classrooms around the Bay area. After becoming more involved with Generation Citizen as the educational director, I met our Advocate for Community Engagement (ACE), and I saw the work she did with service-learners.
I knew that becoming an ACE was something I wanted to do in my time here at USF, as service has become such an important part of my life. The service-learning experience has changed my perception of what service is and how it should be done, and I think it plays a pivotal role in the overall college experience.
After submitting my online application, and having my in-person interview, I was ecstatic to hear I was selected as an ACE for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. In the month of April, we had our spring training where I was able to meet my fellow ACE’s. We learned which organization we will be working with, including MagicZone, Upward Bound, Viviendas Leon, and others.
I will be working with Family House, who will be opening up their second location at Mission Bay in the fall. After our training, I had the opportunity to shadow the current ACE for Family House, Joey, and sit in on his final reflection with his service learners. Reflections are one of the most important parts of the service-learning experience, and allow the students to engage with one another and share meaningful experiences they have had. It was great to hear how some perceptions of service had changed, and the powerful experiences had at Family House.
I am looking forward to meeting the service learners for the fall, and I can’t wait to begin my service at Family House!