Congratulating Our Holstein Scholars
Please congratulate our three Holstein Scholarsfor the 2018-19 school year who demonstrate a commitment to public service, scholarship, and public policy-making programs for the common good.
Pascal Boctor, ‘19 – International Studies, minor Middle East Studies
Pascal Boctor is a Junior majoring in International Studies. He was raised in Egypt as a Christian in a Muslim majority country. Upon arriving in the U.S., he was exposed to issues of oppression and persecution, particularly in his own experiences in Egypt. His passion for public service developed when he attended public high school in Irvine, California. As a student at USF, and a current McCarthy Fellow in Sacramento interning for the CA Secretary of State, he continues to be involved with the Center and looks forward to participating in the USF in DC program in Spring 2019. Pascal intends to build the skills and knowledge to be a change agent and advocate for marginalized communities in Egypt and in the United States.
Madeline Campbell, ‘20 – Politics, minor Public Service and Community Engagement and Criminal Justice Studies
Madeline first became involved in public service during her senior year of high school in Sacramento and has continued her engagement during her time at USF. Madeline started working with the McCarthy Center through their USF Votes initiative, helping to register over 1,300 new student voters in its inaugural year. She is currently a McCarthy Fellow in Sacramento and interns with Pinnacle Advocacy, a strategic advocacy and lobbying firm, and has will join the USF in DC program in Spring of 2019. Madeline also works with the ASUSF Senate and Reading Partners in SF.
Aliyah Forbes, ‘20 – International Business and Cultural Anthropology
Aliyah Forbes is from Orange County, CA and comes from a family of five. Prior to USF, she had little exposure to social justice and activism. However, as a member of the Esther Madriz Diversity Scholars Cohort 12 and an Eco-Educator within the Office of Sustainability, Aliyah has developed a passion for public service and the environment. As a part of EMDS, Aliyah was an intern at San Francisco Rising and participated in public service throughout the Bay Area, in particular, organizing around the College For All ballot initiative. She plans on continuing her commitment to public service at USF by staying involved with SF Rising, studying abroad in the East and partaking in one of the McCarthy Center’s programs such as USF in DC or McCarthy Fellows in Sacramento.