Our Goals for 2022

In our first blog of 2022, the Leo T. McCarthy staff shares their thoughts and resolutions for 2022. Check out their goals for the new year and see if you share some or find new ones!

Derick Brown
Senior Director

My resolutions are to continue to exercise, give one compliment a day and read a book a month.


Star Plaxton-Moore
Director of Community Engaged Learning

With the passing of beloved scholar, activist, warrior bell hooks, my New Years resolution is to reconnect with her revolutionary wisdom by re-reading her texts and finding even more ways to integrate her scholarship into my teaching and research so that others can be radicalized and mobilized by her call for a truly inclusive feminist revolution.

Priana Aquino
Communications Assistant

My resolution is to approach the world more positively and find moments of calm as we continue to navigate life throughout a pandemic.


Dresden Smith
Literacy Program Coordinator, Engage San Francisco

I want to enjoy slow mornings in peace and rest and add in bits of physical movement throughout my day



Leslie Lombre
Director of External Relations

My new year’s resolution is to stay healthy and support all those around me to be as safe, healthy and energized as they can while we carry on, living our lives to the fullest and encouraging others to do the same.


Karin Cotterman
Director of Engage San Francisco

I resolve to continue to seek balance while working for a more just world.




Bryant Avent
Literacy Program Coordinator, Engage San Francisco

My New Year’s Resolution for this upcoming year is to complete goals that I have set for myself, the first of which is to complete my first year with the Leo T McCarthy center doing a great job for the team. Second, to complete a fitness journey in the process/ nutrition goal I have set with myself.

Jaqueline Ramos
Literacy Program Coordinator, Engage San Francisco

I am embracing and manifesting a new year that prioritizes physical and emotional health, rest, the arts, adventure, and radical love.


Angeline Vuong
Assistant Director, Public Service Programs

I want to live the next year in gratitude more deeply.


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Engage San Francisco LiteracyLeo T. McCarthy CenterNew Year'sNew Year's resolutions

Leo T. McCarthy Center • January 5, 2022

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