Meet Our Equity Interns!

This year’s cohort of Equity Interns have just concluded their 5 weeks program! This summer, students from the University of Delaware’s Biden Institute, USF’s Leo T. McCarthy Center, and the YMCA of San Francisco trains college students to provide virtual learning experiences to children in grades K-8 at the YMCA of San Francisco’s Power Scholars Academy. Through this work, our Equity Interns help to reduce the achievement gap and prevent COVID-19 learning loss in under-resourced communities. In this week’s blog, learn more about our Interns.

Clara Kinken
University of Delaware, ’23
Major: Three Languages, and French and Political Science
Minor: Writing

Sarah Chavez
University of San Francisco, ’24
Major: Politics
Minor: Peace and Justice Studies

Richard Dzreke
University of San Francisco, ’24
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Math

Falah Al-Falahi
University of Delaware, ’23
Major: Political Science, Public Policy
Minor: Arabic

Bryanna Parice
University of Delaware, ’24
Major: Political Science

Sana Nangia
University of Delaware, ’24
Major: International Relations, Economics

Kalli Ruffenach
University of Delaware, ’24
Major: Psychology, Communication
Minor: Women’s Studies, Political Science

Nicole Buchanan
University of San Francisco, 2023
Major: MA Migration Studies

Onaedo Okoye
University of Delaware, ’23
Major: International Relations
Minor: International Business and Africana Studies 

Priana Aquino
University of San Francisco, ’22
Major: Business Management
Minor: Legal Studies, Public Service and Community Engagement

Ben Kaplan
University of Delaware, ’23
Major: Political Science and History

Phia Halleen
University of San Francisco, ’22
Major: Sociology
Minor: Public Service and Community Engagement


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Leo T. McCarthy Center • July 22, 2022

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