Meet Our Spring USF in DC Fellows!

This Spring’s USF in DC cohort has begun their semester-long community-engaged learning in our nation’s capitol where they will be engaging in public service internships across the Beltway alongside a rigorous academic schedule. This semester, our students have the unique opportunity to live, learn, explore all that Washington, D.C. has to offer. Read on to meet our 2023 cohort and learn where they will intern.

Jackson Haney
B.A. International Studies ‘23
Senate Veteran Affairs Committee

“I’m looking forward to equipping myself with the skills necessary for transitioning from college into a career of public service, along with the chance to experience life in our capital–all thanks to my forthcoming time as a USF in DC Fellow and a legislative assistant for the Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs.”

Shennel Henries
B.A. International Studies ‘24
African American Redress Network

“I am ready to make history through the outstanding opportunity given by USF to experience the unceasing networking opportunities; dwelling in the pounding heart of America’s politics and relations.”

Cesar Fernandez
B.A. International Studies ‘23
World Affairs Council of America

“As a USF in DC participant, I am looking forward to the opportunity of working with national leaders on important foreign policy issues, while living within an international affairs environment.”

Alexandro Taylor-Young
B.A. Psychology ‘24
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)

“As a USF in DC Fellow, I am looking forward to developing my professional skills and learning directly from people doing the jobs I hope to do in public health.”

Memar Ivy
B.A. International Studies ‘23
Office of Senator Heinrich (D-NM)

“As a USF in DC fellow I’m looking forward to being immersed in the foreign policy/affairs space and to broaden my network and connections.”

Ashlyn Glancy
B.A. Politics ‘25
Office of Senator Alex Padilla (CA)

“When picking which college I wanted to attend the opportunities and programs offered through the McCarthy Center, particularly the USF in DC program, made USF the obvious choice. Headed into my semester in Washington, D.C., I am looking forward to getting first-hand experience with the ways in which our legislative branch works.”

Experience public service in our nation’s capital with USF in DC.

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African American Redress NetworkCommunity Anti-Drug Coalitions of Americacommunity-engaged learningFellowsinternshipsOffice of Senator Alex PadillaOffice of Senator HeinrichPublic ServiceSenate Veteran Affairs CommitteeUSF in DCWashington D.C.World Affairs Council of America

arwilliamsonraun • February 8, 2023

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