Happy 10-year Anniversary, Engage San Francisco
Celebrating 10 years, the University of San Francisco, Leo T. McCarthy Center, and Engage SF have fostered respectful and reciprocal collaborations, standing in contrast to decades of harmful redevelopment and gentrification. As this milestone is celebrated, the impactful work done and ongoing efforts to support and uplift The Fillmore community are recognized. Silena Layne, a proud fourth-generation San Francisco native, USF alumna, McCarthy Center Board Advisor, and long-time community partner, is committed to providing USF students with authentic experiences to help change the world.
What a beautiful honor it was to celebrate 10 years of growth and connection in community with the Leo T McCarthy Center (LTMC) Team and the passion filled programs of Engage San Francisco directed by Karin Cotterman. From the very beginning, the partners, leadership, and intentionality of how best to engage our Western Addition (also known as The Fillmore) neighbors, was prioritized with trust and care by Karin. That was a wonderful process to witness taking root as she began planting seeds and working with long-time investors, organizers, and legends of The Fillmore.
When we take a moment to look at the impactful work that has taken place and what still needs to happen, 10 years is not that much time. It is also good to note that Engage SF is not trying to build (or rebuild) Rome in a day. The many programs and projects implemented by Engage SF were thoughtful and paid close attention to the neighborhood’s history, racial trauma, and growing pains. This was also refreshing because there was a preservation of personal stories, families’ triumphs, and levels of engagement in the community that absolutely celebrated the youth, elders and active members living and working in the Fillmore. It was apparent that the University of San Francisco, LTMC and Engage SF students, faculty and staff were interested in collaborating in this community with reciprocity, respect and restorative practices woven into each exchange. This was a welcomed contrast from the harmful and exploitative 40-plus years of redevelopment, gentrification, housing and business displacement and decades of decreasing the African American population from the city and its politics.
During the 10 year anniversary celebration, the truth, capacity building and future planning were named virtues with all the presenters. Thank you again Karin, for the deliberate work on projects that bring back vitality, purpose driven people and enrichment to the neighborhood. Thank you for acknowledging the legacies of the people that came before you and stating there is still more work to do. Thank you to the many generations of Black San Francisco’s that migrated here from the terrors of the South and refused to be erased, ignored or silenced when politics and profit tried to remove you. Thank you to all who constantly work hard to correct the misinformation that mis-represents our narrative and our victories. Engage SF, congrats again on 10 years of sowing good seed on good ground by investing money, creating opportunity, sustainability, and care in the Fillmore. I am so proud to be a 4th generation San Francisco native, a USF alumni, Leo T. McCarthy Center board member and a 20-plus year community partner that allows USF students the most authentic and unapologetic experience possible because I truly believe we change the world from here.
In service and community,
Silena Layne
Longtime fan and friend