Building Financial Foundations for Youth

Leatitia Ngandu ’25 worked as a Summer Financial Literacy intern this summer, a program where teaching financial literacy skills to youth is essential to growth and development.

When discussing the importance of financial literacy, we often focus on its significance for college students and beyond, assuming they need these skills before entering the “real world.” However, we sometimes overlook the value of introducing financial literacy to younger students, such as those in middle and high school, believing they might be too young to understand these concepts. This summer, I had the rewarding opportunity to teach financial literacy to middle school students at the Boys and Girls Club of San Francisco, an experience that stood out as one of the highlights of my college years.

Every Tuesday and Thursday, a group of 11-13 kids attended our class. Our goal was to make the lessons engaging and relevant to their lives. What made this program especially meaningful was the diversity of the students, who came from various backgrounds, financial situations, and household types. Some had prior knowledge of financial literacy, while others were new to the topic. This mix enriched the classroom experience and dynamics.

To keep the lessons interactive, we included opportunities for the students to earn money in each class. We concluded each session with a game and a reflective cooldown, teaching them how to make wise purchases and manage their money. In the final two weeks, we played interactive games about investing and the Game of Life. Following this, the students applied everything they had learned, from budgeting to distinguishing between wants and needs.

I joined the program because it targeted a vulnerable group and allowed me to teach kids the financial skills I wished I had learned at their age. It was a chance to give back to my community in a way I felt was often overlooked, and I believe the youth benefited greatly from the experience. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have done the program and I truly encourage everyone to participate in the upcoming cohorts.

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ldcotton • August 16, 2024

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