Rebuilding in the Classroom
In this week’s blog, we celebrate Engage San Francisco Literacy’s 2021-2022 Year-end Report with key highlights, assessments and evaluations, key partner feedback, tutor surveys, and future goals. Read more about the challenges the program overcame to build relationships and connections again after returning from online learning.
After returning from a period of COVID-19 restrictions, Engage San Francisco Literacy was eager to start its program again with in-person tutoring and community building in the classroom. With 5 partner sites, the annual year-end report highlights the strategies for reentering into schools safely, rebuilding its connection to the Western Addition, and recentering to support its tutors.
The Engage San Francisco Literacy partner sites for 2021-2022 include returnees Prince Hall Computer Learning Center, Magic Zone Afterschool Program, Booker T. Washington Community Service Center, Rosa Parks Elementary, and Dr. William L. Cobb Elementary. After having difficulties physically connecting while online, relationship building and creating authentic connections was crucial to the program in order to effectively educate and support the children. Evaluations from site supervisors demonstrate excellent skills from tutors in academic, communicative, and antiracist areas. Tutors were given the opportunity to complete an exit survey, and had agreed that being a part of this program motivated them to advocate for effective education and to grow as socially conscious professionals.
Pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different
As mentioned by Arundhati Roy, “pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.” While slowly adjusting to widespread national and personal trauma, the program is focusing its energy inwards, just as much as outwards to the community, in order to move forward for positive change. As the 2022-2023 school year begins, Engage San Francisco Literacy hopes to continue to build connections and reinvest in tutor development. Learn more about their annual highlights, key partner feedback, and tutor exit surveys here.