A Weekend of Civil Discourse

Last month March 24-26, USF Politics seniors Jada Commodore and Aaron Fontan traveled to the University of Delaware for the Biden School of Public Policy Stravos Nicharos Foundation National Student Dialogue. This weekend brought together students from all over the country to engage in intellectual discussions on anti-intellectualism. The theme of the weekend was “Confronting Anti-intellectualism Through Civil Discourse”—which is exactly what this diverse group of students did.

Anti-intellectualism was defined as a set of beliefs and practices which oppose the virtues of critical thinking, free inquiry, and charity towards opposing viewpoints.

Anti-intellectualism was defined as a set of beliefs and practices which oppose the virtues of critical thinking, free inquiry, and charity towards opposing viewpoints. The participants engaged in debates on topics ranging from government regulation of gender, sexuality, and reproductive rights to artificial intelligence and the cycle of socialization. Students spent their time coming up with the causes and consequences of these worldly issues and thinking of ways to combat them in their own communities. Students concluded the weekend by committing to engage in civil discourse in their own universities and become advocates for open dialogue and respectful engagement with alternative perspectives.

Learn more about the SNF Ithaca National Student Dialogue at:  https://www.udel.edu/udaily/2023/april/2023-snf-ithaca-initiative-national-student-dialogue/

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arwilliamsonraun • April 12, 2023

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