Looking Back and Sharing our Journey
On the evening of November 19th, my fellow Privett Global Scholars and I had the opportunity to showcase our summer experiences abroad with friends, family, and the USF community. The event turned out to be a huge success; the room was filled with live music, the sharing of fond memories, and of course, delicious Indian and Bolivian cuisine.
As I looked around the room, I saw beautiful posters, artwork, displays, and photos that lined the walls, encompassing our yearlong journey in the Privett Global Scholars program. It is hard to believe that a year has passed since we embarked on it, but what an incredible journey it has been. Over the course of the program, I have had the opportunity to: form lasting friendships with my fellow classmates; work alongside the amazing professors, Professor Friedman and Professor Hoag; receive much support from the McCarthy Center and Foundation for Sustainable Development; and intern at ALFA Educational Society, a NGO located in a rural village in India.
Looking back on this experience, I am amazed to see how much I have grown, both as a student and as a citizen of the world. I am extremely thankful for the knowledge I have gained throughout this journey and for the support I have received along the way. The Maté and Chai Evening Showcase event was the perfect way to celebrate our yearlong journey. It has shown me that although our summer experiences abroad have concluded, we are able to keep them very much alive through sharing our memories and knowledge with others.
This Showcase was only a stepping-stone; I am excited to see how this experience will shape us as we embark on our future endeavors. On behalf of the Privett Global Scholars ’14, thank you to everyone who made this possible.
– Joey Jordan