Contributing from D.C. and Common Sense Media


Ayah Mouhktar (’18)
USF in D.C. Fellow


Ayah Mouhktar is one of our not-so-secret weapons in D.C.  As a Student Communications Assistant for the McCarthy Center, she took on the mission of serving the Winter semester as a participant in the USF in D.C. Fellows program. We are thrilled to report that she is applying her skills in an internship at the national office of San Francisco based, Common Sense Media, a non-profit education and advocacy  organization promoting safe technology and media for children.

Ayah has wasted no time in jumping back into her blogging. She shared her first blog post focusing  on a policy campaign called the FAMILY Act, 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave. Click here to read.

Ayah is a Newmark Scholar and recipient of the Betty L. Blakley Scholarship. Read her earlier blog post at Meet our other USF in D.C. Fellows at
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advocacyAyah Fawaz-Farouk MouhktarCommon Sense MediaD.C.Family LeaveMedical LeavepolicyUSF in DC

usfmccarthycenter • February 15, 2017

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