Endless Possibilities and Responsibilities

Greetings Fellow Don’s,

I am Bill Cartwright and I am very pleased to be a supporter and a member of the Advisory Board of the Leo T. McCarthy Center.

In my life’s journey I have been assisted by so many people academically and athletically, but nowhere more than at the University of San Francisco. Attending USF was the best decision I could ever have made.The teachers and coaches at USF taught me lifelong lessons of understanding not only that our possibilities are endless but that we have responsibilities to our peers, to our teammates, to our community–for the common good.

I share the lessons I learned at USF each and every day. I feel we have an obligation to pass along these values to our next generation of leaders and the amazing thing about USF is that there are so many caring and capable individuals who share this same sense of purpose.

I am proud to be part of an organization that stands for and promotes ethical young leaders for our future, the Leo T. McCarthy Center. Please join me in strengthening the Leo T. McCarthy Center with a year-end gift that benefits students at University of San Francisco.


Bill Cartwright

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Leo T. McCarthy Center • December 4, 2020

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