Master of Public Affairs (MoPA) Immersion into D.C. and Campaign Research

The Master of Public Affairs DC immersion program was a great opportunity to learn about political opposition research and personally experience some of the challenges of working on a political campaign. – Enrique Aguilar


Beginning My USF in D.C. Experience

It was 34 degrees outside when I first landed at Dulles International Airport. Never having spent much time in cold weather, that was definitely a shock. The biggest shock, however, came when my Lyft driver pulled up in front of the University of California DC (UCDC) building and said, “Wow, you’re only six or seven blocks away from The White House, that’s cool!” – Emily Adsit

What About an Internship Abroad?

When I first learned about the Privett Global Scholars at a school information session, I immediately knew this was something I wanted to do. – Nichole Vasquez


Jumping Back into the First Semester of Graduate School

As I look back on my first semester of graduate school, I remember how I felt starting the Master of Public Affairs (MoPA) program back in August. – Jeno Wilkinson

Life-long conversations on neighborhoods, housing and gentrification

Community-engaged learning claims many student benefits like making learning relevant by bridging theory and practice, promoting openness to multiple perspectives, and fostering dispositions to further community involvement. As I reflect on my community-engaged learning in college over three decades ago, one measure of that learning’s value sticks with me — enduring questions that I’ve considered for a lifetime since. – David Donahue

Applying ‘Change the World From Here to Washington, D.C.

s I walked into my supervisor’s office on my first day to partake in what would be one of many “huddles” (office lingo for team and one-on-one check-ins), I glanced across her desk to see a sticky note posted on her computer screen which read, “Every day counts!”- Katherine Pantangco

Random acts of kindness

There’s a quote I often think of that’s often used when tragic events happen in the world – the Boko Haram kidnapping, the Paris attack, Newtown shooting, Boston bombing, Colorado shootings, Kenya attack and countless others. – Rebecca McDowell

Chris Matthews Visiting Professor Inspires Millennials

Lauren Feuerborn Master of Public Affairs candidate’17 At the beginning of the semester in Proseminar of American Politics, our professor told us that Chris Matthews of MSNBC’s HARDBALL would be guest lecturing sometime in November. As time got closer the arrival of Matthews expanded to a reception, a breakfast event and two lectures. We were…

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