2023-2024 Holstein Scholars

Congratulations to our ten Holstein Scholars for the 2023-2024 academic year! Get to know each scholar! We are eager to see how each recipient will continue to commit to scholarship, public service, and public policy-making programs for the common good.  Forrest Cameron Forrest Cameron is a rising senior at USF, studying Politics and Philosophy. Most…

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Meet our Fall 2023 USF in DC Fellows

This Fall’s USF in DC cohort have begun their semester-long community-engaged learning in our nation’s capitol where they will be engaging in public service internships across the Beltway alongside a rigorous academic schedule. This semester, our students have the opportunity to live, learn, and explore all that Washington, D.C. has to offer. Harlan Crawford, Politics…

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Meet Our Spring USF in DC Fellows!

This Spring’s USF in DC cohort has begun their semester-long community-engaged learning in our nation’s capitol where they will be engaging in public service internships across the Beltway alongside a rigorous academic schedule. This semester, our students have the unique opportunity to live, learn, explore all that Washington, D.C. has to offer. Read on to…

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Defense Beyond the Courtroom

In this week’s blog Allyssa Olear, McCarthy Fellow in San Francisco, describes her internship with the Public Defender’s Office working on projects, Open the Courts Public Action and the Adachi Project. Similar the earlier blog by McCarthy Fellow cohort member, Kacie Williams, Allyssa strengthened  her passion to continue public service and commit to advocating for…

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Bridges that Connect Us

In this week’s blog, Camille Batiste, new Program Assistant for Engage San Francisco and recent USF graduate, answers four questions about her goals and passions in education and public service. Learn what motivates Camille to advocate for programs that support youth development and community building.  How did you arrive at the Leo T. McCarthy Center?…

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Public Service Beyond the Classroom

Congrats to Aniah Francis,’22, this year’s awardee of the Leo T. McCarthy Award for Public Service!  Aniah graduated last month with a BA in Politics and a minor in Public Service and Community Engagement. This award is presented to a senior who has promoted social justice through public service throughout her undergraduate career. Aniah was…

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