Bridging Two Homes at Starbucks: From Udaipur, India to San Francisco

Syona Puliady B.A., International Studies ’17 Syona traveled to India as a participant in the 2016 summer cohort of the Privett Global Scholars program. It’s 2 a.m. and I am sitting in a 24 hour Starbucks writing a final paper on something I didn’t feel extremely passionate about. I have been awake for quite a…

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Introducing our Fall 2016-17 USF in Washington, D.C. Fellows

USF in DC participants are undergraduate students selected for a semester-long program in Washington, DC that integrates a full-time internship with relevant coursework taught by USF faculty and University of California Washington Program (UC DC) faculty. Students choose from a range of elective courses and internship opportunities that meet their interests and skill sets and…

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